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Friend's dog lost/stolen

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I got this e-mail from his owners which may help a little, plus some extra photos. These people are heart-broken and I hope someone, somewhere will get him back. By the way, he was never a coursing dog.


Bailey was lost from NE36 which is West Boldon, Tyne and Wear. He headed out of our house toward the A19 which is a major road link to the south. The A19 is a one minute drive (or at his speed a one minute run) from the house. We have checked for dead dogs / carrion crows / with the council / dog wardens / local vets / etc etc and anyway four of us in cars searched the entire day within twenty minutes of him leaving but twenty minutes is a long time. He was covered in id and is chipped so it would have been very easy for someone to have called us if they had wanted to. Had he been hit by a car we would have found him by now. He simply disappeared. The dog warden is sure someone took him.


He has a very distinctive white tip on the end of his tail and four white feet. White flash under chin which continues to chest and under belly. Rough coated, powerful looking dog. He runs as fast as the fastest greyhound and I have that on the authority of men who have raced them but he is not a killer. We have a cat and kittens. He knows several cats and they all run up to him. Neutered and chipped. If you need the Police case number and his microchip number, let me know.


Edited by Ali-G
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Update from owners:-



Seven different people have seen a dog they swear is Bailey running around Town End Farm, Sunderland TODAY - thin but alive!


This is near the A19 and Hylton Castle - about two miles from our home. If you know anyone in that area, please ask them to keep a look out. 0191 500 6105 or @findbailey or here if you see anything!!

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