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This chap 4weeks ago was in top form , he like us all did not know his days were coming to an end so suddenly. His family didn't know they had a few weeks left with him on this earth. Wake up every da

Cor sod that ..... As i started reading i thought it was going to end up being a Dennis Nilsen style human body parts blocking the drains type thing...................................................

dirty b*stards come here for a better life away from the shite hole they live in, then spend all their life trying making here look like the shite hole they left

This chap 4weeks ago was in top form , he like us all did not know his days were coming to an end so suddenly. His family didn't know they had a few weeks left with him on this earth. Wake up every day and cherish your family , you never ever know when it is your or their last. Life is so cruel so we have to make the very most of it. This post leaves a happier note from craighboy and would put a smile on the hardest of faces. Bookmarking this thread in his memorium would be a token of appreciation to his contribution to the forum. My heart bleeds for his wife and family. Take a minute people, tell your family how much you care.


God bless you craigyboy , I will see things a little different these days.



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Hahaha brilliant, some folk are born dirty minks, didn't notice, lol


to be honest mate,when i first saw the pyramid, i thought it was his mother in law praying :whistling:

only that cracked kunt would come out with that...... :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

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