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as some of you know,i work in drainage and one of my customers is a local council,i got a call today to an address reporting a blocked drain,i arrived at the property and a nice lady,about 50 answered the door,i told her i was here regarding her drains,she replied "oh its not mine,i kept getting a bad smell,so i looked over next doors fence and noticed their drain was blocked,and as they dont seem to care,i thought id report it" so off i went to knock on next door,an asian bloke answered,i told him id come about his drain and he said he hadnt reported anything, i told him that next door had complained of a smell and could i check his garden, he said "yes go ahead", so i opened his side gate and i couldnt believe what i saw, at first i thought what the feck as happened here,then i looked up and knew what had happened, about 8ft away from his house slap bang in the middle of his garden was what i can only describe as a shit and paper pyramid,standing about 4ft tall and about 4 ft wide, at the back of your house is your soil stack,the pipe were your toilet waste goes,well this blokes whole pipe was missing,it was just a hole about 10 feet up coming from his upstairs shitter,you can imagine,everytime him and his family took a dump and flushed the chain,it shot out like a rocket,flying through the air and landing about 8 ft away,causing the mysterious shit and paper pyramid :icon_eek: what the feck goes through peoples minds,he had kids,ffs there was a trampoline in the garden,yet there must of been a couple of hundred turds and flushes to cause that pyramid :icon_eek: i asked him what the feck he was doing letting it get this bad and he just said he hadnt noticed :icon_eek: what a dirty kunt :yes:


Cor sod that .....

As i started reading i thought it was going to end up being a Dennis Nilsen style human body parts blocking the drains type thing...............................................................................................but this is really shocking :D


Id of been tempted to drop my strides and do one next to the pyramid singing out " Engerland,Engerland Engerland " .......


Nasty horrible little people.

Edited by gnasher16
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This chap 4weeks ago was in top form , he like us all did not know his days were coming to an end so suddenly. His family didn't know they had a few weeks left with him on this earth. Wake up every da

Cor sod that ..... As i started reading i thought it was going to end up being a Dennis Nilsen style human body parts blocking the drains type thing...................................................

dirty b*stards come here for a better life away from the shite hole they live in, then spend all their life trying making here look like the shite hole they left

as some of you know,i work in drainage and one of my customers is a local council,i got a call today to an address reporting a blocked drain,i arrived at the property and a nice lady,about 50 answered the door,i told her i was here regarding her drains,she replied "oh its not mine,i kept getting a bad smell,so i looked over next doors fence and noticed their drain was blocked,and as they dont seem to care,i thought id report it" so off i went to knock on next door,an asian bloke answered,i told him id come about his drain and he said he hadnt reported anything, i told him that next door had complained of a smell and could i check his garden, he said "yes go ahead", so i opened his side gate and i couldnt believe what i saw, at first i thought what the feck as happened here,then i looked up and knew what had happened, about 8ft away from his house slap bang in the middle of his garden was what i can only describe as a shit and paper pyramid,standing about 4ft tall and about 4 ft wide, at the back of your house is your soil stack,the pipe were your toilet waste goes,well this blokes whole pipe was missing,it was just a hole about 10 feet up coming from his upstairs shitter,you can imagine,everytime him and his family took a dump and flushed the chain,it shot out like a rocket,flying through the air and landing about 8 ft away,causing the mysterious shit and paper pyramid :icon_eek: what the feck goes through peoples minds,he had kids,ffs there was a trampoline in the garden,yet there must of been a couple of hundred turds and flushes to cause that pyramid :icon_eek: i asked him what the feck he was doing letting it get this bad and he just said he hadnt noticed :icon_eek: what a dirty kunt :yes:


Cor sod that .....

As i started reading i thought it was going to end up being a Dennis Nilsen style human body parts blocking the drains type thing...............................................................................................but this is really shocking :D


Id of been tempted to drop my strides and do one next to the pyramid singing out " Engerland,Engerland Engerland " .......


Nasty horrible little people.

cheers gnash,that tickled me :laugh::thumbs:

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as some of you know,i work in drainage and one of my customers is a local council,i got a call today to an address reporting a blocked drain,i arrived at the property and a nice lady,about 50 answered the door,i told her i was here regarding her drains,she replied "oh its not mine,i kept getting a bad smell,so i looked over next doors fence and noticed their drain was blocked,and as they dont seem to care,i thought id report it" so off i went to knock on next door,an asian bloke answered,i told him id come about his drain and he said he hadnt reported anything, i told him that next door had complained of a smell and could i check his garden, he said "yes go ahead", so i opened his side gate and i couldnt believe what i saw, at first i thought what the feck as happened here,then i looked up and knew what had happened, about 8ft away from his house slap bang in the middle of his garden was what i can only describe as a shit and paper pyramid,standing about 4ft tall and about 4 ft wide, at the back of your house is your soil stack,the pipe were your toilet waste goes,well this blokes whole pipe was missing,it was just a hole about 10 feet up coming from his upstairs shitter,you can imagine,everytime him and his family took a dump and flushed the chain,it shot out like a rocket,flying through the air and landing about 8 ft away,causing the mysterious shit and paper pyramid :icon_eek: what the feck goes through peoples minds,he had kids,ffs there was a trampoline in the garden,yet there must of been a couple of hundred turds and flushes to cause that pyramid :icon_eek: i asked him what the feck he was doing letting it get this bad and he just said he hadnt noticed :icon_eek: what a dirty kunt :yes:


Cor sod that .....

As i started reading i thought it was going to end up being a Dennis Nilsen style human body parts blocking the drains type thing...............................................................................................but this is really shocking :D


Id of been tempted to drop my strides and do one next to the pyramid singing out " Engerland,Engerland Engerland " .......


Nasty horrible little people.

cheers gnash,that tickled me :laugh::thumbs:

and before this thread gets deleted,i state that this thread is not racist and ive seen some pretty stomach turning stuff by white,jewish,black,chinks and too many other nationalitys to mention,which goes to show that theres dirty feckers in all walks of life :yes: it just happens the majority are pakis :whistling:

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as some of you know,i work in drainage and one of my customers is a local council,i got a call today to an address reporting a blocked drain,i arrived at the property and a nice lady,about 50 answered the door,i told her i was here regarding her drains,she replied "oh its not mine,i kept getting a bad smell,so i looked over next doors fence and noticed their drain was blocked,and as they dont seem to care,i thought id report it" so off i went to knock on next door,an asian bloke answered,i told him id come about his drain and he said he hadnt reported anything, i told him that next door had complained of a smell and could i check his garden, he said "yes go ahead", so i opened his side gate and i couldnt believe what i saw, at first i thought what the feck as happened here,then i looked up and knew what had happened, about 8ft away from his house slap bang in the middle of his garden was what i can only describe as a shit and paper pyramid,standing about 4ft tall and about 4 ft wide, at the back of your house is your soil stack,the pipe were your toilet waste goes,well this blokes whole pipe was missing,it was just a hole about 10 feet up coming from his upstairs shitter,you can imagine,everytime him and his family took a dump and flushed the chain,it shot out like a rocket,flying through the air and landing about 8 ft away,causing the mysterious shit and paper pyramid :icon_eek: what the feck goes through peoples minds,he had kids,ffs there was a trampoline in the garden,yet there must of been a couple of hundred turds and flushes to cause that pyramid :icon_eek: i asked him what the feck he was doing letting it get this bad and he just said he hadnt noticed :icon_eek: what a dirty kunt :yes:


Cor sod that .....

As i started reading i thought it was going to end up being a Dennis Nilsen style human body parts blocking the drains type thing...............................................................................................but this is really shocking :D


Id of been tempted to drop my strides and do one next to the pyramid singing out " Engerland,Engerland Engerland " .......


Nasty horrible little people.

cheers gnash,that tickled me :laugh::thumbs:

and before this thread gets deleted,i state that this thread is not racist and ive seen some pretty stomach turning stuff by white,jewish,black,chinks and too many other nationalitys to mention,which goes to show that theres dirty feckers in all walks of life :yes: it just happens the majority are scousers :whistling:

fucks sake even a paki thread goes down that route with you,,,,,, :thumbdown: :thumbdown:























:D :D

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as some of you know,i work in drainage and one of my customers is a local council,i got a call today to an address reporting a blocked drain,i arrived at the property and a nice lady,about 50 answered the door,i told her i was here regarding her drains,she replied "oh its not mine,i kept getting a bad smell,so i looked over next doors fence and noticed their drain was blocked,and as they dont seem to care,i thought id report it" so off i went to knock on next door,an asian bloke answered,i told him id come about his drain and he said he hadnt reported anything, i told him that next door had complained of a smell and could i check his garden, he said "yes go ahead", so i opened his side gate and i couldnt believe what i saw, at first i thought what the feck as happened here,then i looked up and knew what had happened, about 8ft away from his house slap bang in the middle of his garden was what i can only describe as a shit and paper pyramid,standing about 4ft tall and about 4 ft wide, at the back of your house is your soil stack,the pipe were your toilet waste goes,well this blokes whole pipe was missing,it was just a hole about 10 feet up coming from his upstairs shitter,you can imagine,everytime him and his family took a dump and flushed the chain,it shot out like a rocket,flying through the air and landing about 8 ft away,causing the mysterious shit and paper pyramid :icon_eek: what the feck goes through peoples minds,he had kids,ffs there was a trampoline in the garden,yet there must of been a couple of hundred turds and flushes to cause that pyramid :icon_eek: i asked him what the feck he was doing letting it get this bad and he just said he hadnt noticed :icon_eek: what a dirty kunt :yes:


Cor sod that .....

As i started reading i thought it was going to end up being a Dennis Nilsen style human body parts blocking the drains type thing...............................................................................................but this is really shocking :D


Id of been tempted to drop my strides and do one next to the pyramid singing out " Engerland,Engerland Engerland " .......


Nasty horrible little people.

cheers gnash,that tickled me :laugh::thumbs:

and before this thread gets deleted,i state that this thread is not racist and ive seen some pretty stomach turning stuff by white,jewish,black,chinks and too many other nationalitys to mention,which goes to show that theres dirty feckers in all walks of life :yes: it just happens the majority are scousers :whistling:

fucks sake even a paki thread goes down that route with you,,,,,, :thumbdown: :thumbdown:























:D :D

:laugh: your a fecker for that :laugh: i dont even wanna know how you do it,cos it wont make mi laugh then :laugh:

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I find nothing funny in that. Dirty b*****ds the ought to be kicked out of the property, and country, I have a serious issue with personal hygiene. Swear of be st his f*****g door kicking up f**k!

You have a serious issue with personal hygiene....
















by some soap then you dirty c**t hahaha!!!!

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Should've showed him then asked "could you just stand here a minute?" then placed him strategically under the "target" went up stairs had a Gladys knight and simply flushed....... Then the clarty c**t may have realised just what the problem was.

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Paki at a bus stop was busting for a dump and curls out a 4 foot beauty. The bus pulls up and the paki asks the bus driver how much it is into town. "it's £3.00 for you and £1.50 for your little lad " replies the bus driver

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My old boy worked as a plumber for the council when he was a young lad, tells a story of how he got sent to a house in Larkhall.....in a notorious street there. Knocked the door and a woman opened the door and a pig ran out! Followed by a couple of chickens, then the manky kids.....the wifey says, the toilet is through there son....to which the old biy replys....eh, I'm actually finished for today, come back tomorrow. Aye right!

He tells some horror stories....glad I didnt follow in his keechy footsteps!!

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