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This chap 4weeks ago was in top form , he like us all did not know his days were coming to an end so suddenly. His family didn't know they had a few weeks left with him on this earth. Wake up every da

Cor sod that ..... As i started reading i thought it was going to end up being a Dennis Nilsen style human body parts blocking the drains type thing...................................................

dirty b*stards come here for a better life away from the shite hole they live in, then spend all their life trying making here look like the shite hole they left

I was working on a house year's ago and i got talking to some good lad's from the luton area..they worked on drain's aswell..any way they where called to this big terraced house one day full of pakistani people to repair a broken drain.. :bad: ..they dug down.. to what you could imagine from the food they eat..

Anyway they cleared the mess up to find the broken drain..all the resident's where told not too flush the toilet while they where working and fixing the problem..and what did they do..they flushed the drain covering one lad in piss and paki shite while he was head down in a hole.. :D ..

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as some of you know,i work in drainage and one of my customers is a local council,i got a call today to an address reporting a blocked drain,i arrived at the property and a nice lady,about 50 answered the door,i told her i was here regarding her drains,she replied "oh its not mine,i kept getting a bad smell,so i looked over next doors fence and noticed their drain was blocked,and as they dont seem to care,i thought id report it" so off i went to knock on next door,an asian bloke answered,i told him id come about his drain and he said he hadnt reported anything, i told him that next door had complained of a smell and could i check his garden, he said "yes go ahead", so i opened his side gate and i couldnt believe what i saw, at first i thought what the feck as happened here,then i looked up and knew what had happened, about 8ft away from his house slap bang in the middle of his garden was what i can only describe as a shit and paper pyramid,standing about 4ft tall and about 4 ft wide, at the back of your house is your soil stack,the pipe were your toilet waste goes,well this blokes whole pipe was missing,it was just a hole about 10 feet up coming from his upstairs shitter,you can imagine,everytime him and his family took a dump and flushed the chain,it shot out like a rocket,flying through the air and landing about 8 ft away,causing the mysterious shit and paper pyramid :icon_eek: what the feck goes through peoples minds,he had kids,ffs there was a trampoline in the garden,yet there must of been a couple of hundred turds and flushes to cause that pyramid :icon_eek: i asked him what the feck he was doing letting it get this bad and he just said he hadnt noticed :icon_eek: what a dirty kunt :yes:

:bad: dirty filthy animals,made me chuckle tho :laugh:

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another shit tale ive just remembered, an 80yr old man from wythenshawe went to wales to visit his daughter and stay for a mths holiday, this bloke lived on the ground floor of a block of flats,with about 10 floors above him,he locked up on the morning of his holiday and off he went, for anyone that doesnt know,the waste pipes on flats are all internal,so theres no pipework on the outside of the building,anyway while he was away the soil pipe blocked at the rest bend at the bottom,so everytime anyone from the floors above had a dump,a bath or let any water down the drain,it came up the old mans toilet but with him being away nobody knew they had a blocked drain,so after a mth the bloke returns,put his key in the door and struggles to open it,he thought it was letters,so he gave it a hard push,and a tsunami of shit and piss hit the poor bugger,knocking him off his feet :icon_eek: the toilet paper had sealed up the crack under his door,causing a mths build up of shit,piss,bath/shower/,washing up water to stay in his flat,when i got there,the tidemarks on his walls were about 4ft high :icon_eek:

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Fekin Stewie !!!!! hes a disgrace.

:laugh: :laugh: tw@t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


funny you talk about pakis and drains craigyboy..... :D that one went sound this week cheers for the advice..... :thumbs: thank f**k it was only a garden drain tho, would never clear a paki waste pipe,,,,,, :bad: oh and you was right the c**t never gave me a tip, infact he stills owes me £50 2mora...... :laugh::thumbs:

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Fekin Stewie !!!!! hes a disgrace.

:laugh: :laugh: tw@t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


funny you talk about pakis and drains craigyboy..... :D that one went sound this week cheers for the advice..... :thumbs: thank f**k it was only a garden drain tho, would never clear a paki waste pipe,,,,,, :bad: oh and you was right the c**t never gave me a tip, infact he stills owes me £50 2mora...... :laugh::thumbs:

:laugh: i forgot about that mate :laugh: i knew he wouldnt, they wouldnt give a door a bang, and he still owes you 50 :icon_eek: tomorrow itl be "what are you vanting, have we met" :laugh:

Edited by craigyboy
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Fekin Stewie !!!!! hes a disgrace.

:laugh: :laugh: tw@t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


funny you talk about pakis and drains craigyboy..... :D that one went sound this week cheers for the advice..... :thumbs: thank f**k it was only a garden drain tho, would never clear a paki waste pipe,,,,,, :bad: oh and you was right the c**t never gave me a tip, infact he stills owes me £50 2mora...... :laugh::thumbs:

:laugh: i forgot about that mate :laugh: i knew he wouldnt, they wouldnt give a door a bang, and he still owes you 50 :icon_eek: tomorrow itl be "what are you vanting, have we met" :laugh:

he will be getting the last load of tarmac off next doors drive on his drive if he does...... :laugh: :laugh:

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