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a fools guide to hunting/digging with dogs???

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why does the representitives of our beloved hobbies and pastimes not get together and sort out and print/make a fools guide to working dogs in theyre different fields of work? the reason i ask is so we can produce evidence to show misinformed police,charity,joe public evidence when were approched when out with our dogs. being accused of all types of rubbish. if all the pro hunting people get together and get it done properly so that it is done to the laws standards then it could be used in our favour when accused and make the anti,misinformed think twice about coming near us with false accusations and it could also stop harrassment by the local authorities aswell and by making them go away thinking theyre actually in the wrong, nothing with all complex words just plain and simple words in a pocket leaflet or booklet that even the simplest of people can understand.

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why does the representitives of our beloved hobbies and pastimes not get together and sort out and print/make a fools guide to working dogs in theyre different fields of work? the reason i ask is so we can produce evidence to show misinformed police,charity,joe public evidence when were approched when out with our dogs. being accused of all types of rubbish. if all the pro hunting people get together and get it done properly so that it is done to the laws standards then it could be used in our favour when accused and make the anti,misinformed think twice about coming near us with false accusations and it could also stop harrassment by the local authorities aswell and by making them go away thinking theyre actually in the wrong, nothing with all complex words just plain and simple words in a pocket leaflet or booklet that even the simplest of people can understand.

hopefully something will be done in the near future and then philpot might learn to leave decent lads alone and get his facts right before telling lies about them
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it could stop a lot of the anti brain washing crap that goes on and teach the misinformed the right way were doing things if ya can show them the evidence there n then. whats your views on this?

true mate he is the biggest threat to terrier work in the north with his lies
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cant see the problem if you bide by the laws..........................................handing out leaflets in my opionion is publicising what you are doing and is written evidence that could be used against you.............................................. no matter how you try and portray our legal activities there will always be a divide ................

i think working terrier clubs are worth there weight in gold ...................and i think cards with what you are doing with the authority from the land owner is more than appropriate to show anybody with concerns of what your doing............................it would have your terrier club on it and only shown to people when needed...........you could have laws on the back of the card but i wouldnt hand nothing out to the joe public.............................and i think if you did you would be stirring up a recipe for disater to terrier men...........

its not a case of not sticking up for what terriermen do..............insurances will cover that if there is any problems or accusations..................

totally agree with the manuals for all working terrier club members.........

i think to keep terrier work this would be a good approach to keep our dogs below ground ............................................as this pleases both parties :victory:

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every Terrierman today should have a permission slip while on the land signed by the land owner,if someone approaches you while your on the land,more than likely they are breaking the law, unless like you they have permission to be there.

The booklets are for club members and once respected you wont go wrong

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That handbook DD has been dis-continued by the IWTF.

It was written in a hurry by some one not fully fluent on some details but meant well.

A booklet will be done in due course probably after the final readings of the Animal Health and Welfare Bill 2012 and then we'll be more up to date on current laws.


You'll find that most fieldsports organisations do publish some literature on their chosen sport regarding the law.

Anyone here in the ROI should educate themselves on the code of conduct written by the Master of Foxhounds Assc. regarding the working of your terriers and keeping yourself out of trouble.

The IWTF also has their code of conduct available to download of the web-site, iwtf.ie.


Hope this helps.

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every Terrierman today should have a permission slip while on the land signed by the land owner,if someone approaches you while your on the land,more than likely they are breaking the law, unless like you they have permission to be there.

The booklets are for club members and once respected you wont go wrong

trouble is alot of land in the southwest of england have public footpaths all over it which gives joe public the right to be there............................you can have card signed by all land owners. i know you should legally have written permission by all land owners who allow you to work your dogs......................i dont think many people will aproach you there selfs they will tell authorities what they think your doing and thats the problem they just assume.......your breaking the law..............

thats why i cant understand people going out with loads of dogs and loads of people ........................i think you will attract unwanted attention which automaticaly think there up to know good ....................

keep it low key and get the job done legally ................let the antis continue to waste there money ...........

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That handbook DD has been dis-continued by the IWTF.

It was written in a hurry by some one not fully fluent on some details but meant well.

A booklet will be done in due course probably after the final readings of the Animal Health and Welfare Bill 2012 and then we'll be more up to date on current laws.


You'll find that most fieldsports organisations do publish some literature on their chosen sport regarding the law.

Anyone here in the ROI should educate themselves on the code of conduct written by the Master of Foxhounds Assc. regarding the working of your terriers and keeping yourself out of trouble.

The IWTF also has their code of conduct available to download of the web-site, iwtf.ie.


Hope this helps.

hi neill can you empty your inbox.

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National Working Terrier Federation had in place . An Accredited scheme . I.D. card used in conjunction with approved insurance .

Your club rep can foward your details for this...if not contact ,Barrie or Tam they are not hard to contact .


There has been Guides available for years ...Alliance etc.Great idea for the General public.

Wippet !!! keep things a secret .Folk think you have something to hide. :yes:

Hillpacks ,S.W.D.A. etc have had great displays for the GENERAL public to Learn from ..they do work !

The RIGHT information is the KEY to unlocking the Myth from the Truth.. :thumbs:

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National Working Terrier Federation had in place . An Accredited scheme . I.D. card used in conjunction with approved insurance .

Your club rep can foward your details for this...if not contact ,Barrie or Tam they are not hard to contact .


There has been Guides available for years ...Alliance etc.Great idea for the General public.

Wippet !!! keep things a secret .Folk think you have something to hide. :yes:

Hillpacks ,S.W.D.A. etc have had great displays for the GENERAL public to Learn from ..they do work !

The RIGHT information is the KEY to unlocking the Myth from the Truth.. :thumbs:

i aint got no secrets .......................do you agree with handing out leaflets to the general public...............like on the streets etc

should have guidelines advertised at the right places ...................like game fairs etc

i wouldnt want to broad cast everything i do from a hunting prospective ..............ok to share with like minded people..............but why would i want to tell the world that i go shooting etc......................and i cant find where i said keep things a secret either.........

be honest not interested keep me self to me self and do me own thing...............i have me opionions on here but its not like people know me lol

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