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Whats your views on mk3m

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Yes its great mate, but read the instructions on how to use it.   The mark 1 will always be better to some, just like the Ford Capri was the best boy racer car ever made

Over priced,temperamental piece of SHITE,add me to the dunces corner too.As a builder i use all sorts of electronic gadgets(digital estimators,lasers plc,s,kettles,radios )without doubt this is one o

I wonder if iPhone could create an ap lol

I've had my MK3m for four years, never had a problem with it, not one, when I dig its spot on accurate :D

think i have just been unlucky can get it to search but not locate and its the right batteries im using :hmm:



Like most folk on here, when my shiny new MK3m arived, the batteries that came with it for the collars and locator were crap and near death, the main thing is that most folk mistake the squelch knob (think thats what its called) for a volume knob, it isn't, when you get near to your collared ferret, turn the knob down the closer you get, and it will pinpoint down to six inches like mine does :thumbs:

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Both the Mk1 and Mk3m are great bits of kit. The Mk1 is easier to use than the MK3 but once you get the hang of the Mk3 its fine. I'm always forgetting to turn the squelch knob back to full after pinpointing my ferrets and then when i go to the next set i think....crap.....can't find the ferrets. A mate of mine bought a MK3M a couple years back and he couldn't understand why he was using so many batteries in the collar for nearly two seasons........idiot didn't realise you had to turn the collars off after each use.

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Yeah , they work, well my 2nd one does, I left the 1st one in a car park. Cant compare with previous models as Ive not used them. Im a bit scared to change the batteries though, as a few lads on here have said they`ve had problems after changing the batteries. Wrong type/dud batteries maybe?

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Yeah , they work, well my 2nd one does, I left the 1st one in a car park. Cant compare with previous models as Ive not used them. Im a bit scared to change the batteries though, as a few lads on here have said they`ve had problems after changing the batteries. Wrong type/dud batteries maybe?

Bob, as dazzam said make sure you turn the collars off after use, but also don't store the collars right next to the receiver or any other magnet, as it is possible for the collars to be turned on accidently. I keep them in separate pockets in net bag.

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I used the mk1 for years and years, then went straight to mk3 4 years ago and never looked back. In all that time i've never had a problem with it, apart from having to give it a good clean. Its extremely accurate and really easy to use, and those that are struggling are missing out on a ggod piece of kit.


I'd love to know who they asked to review it when they switched from the mk 2, then onto a new mk 3. Because there are few bit bits that shouldv'e been changed...most points noted by vin. I'd say the locate/search & on/off buttons need to be those sealed rubberised switches, so muck cant get in.


I have the original mk3 collars, there problems have now been rectified with the mk3m.


They've monopolised the market, so they can charge what they like.


So yes i'd highly recommend, but try and find someone who bought one, struggles with it, dont use it and now wants to sell theirs...........ey freelance.....lol

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