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Theres having a drink and then theres having a drink......some folk who insist on having a booze should never go near the stuff, other it dont effect at all.   A couple of my pals can sink truly mas

Took a while, was a lot of hard work but you got there in the end kid  

A few names on this thread  I remember having a chat to 

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I have a lash up every Friday. It's all about having a good laugh with me, I'm not one of those people who can sit in a pub alone with a drink, I'd rather not drink if I was alone but I'll lash around 20 pints down my neck on a typical Friday before I call it a night (which is usually around 6:00 Saturday morning lol).


I enjoy it, for that one night I forget about all my stresses and problems over a few ales in good company with good people.


Cheers :drinks: .

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I have a lash up every Friday. It's all about having a good laugh with me, I'm not one of those people who can sit in a pub alone with a drink, I'd rather not drink if I was alone but I'll lash around 20 pints down my neck on a typical Friday before I call it a night (which is usually around 6:00 Saturday morning lol).


I enjoy it, for that one night I forget about all my stresses and problems over a few ales in good company with good people.


Cheers :drinks: .


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Why anyone would slide into alcohol addiction or drug addiction is beyond me...It does'nt happen overnight and surely they can feel which way they're heading. Either weak willed or just plain stupid imo. Most turn into outright dickheads on the drink so why do they let themselves get to that stage in the first place..Whatever happened to havin a drink just to be sociable instead of havin a drink to get outright plastered..?A fool and his money eh..atb stabba

all the same can be said about smoking..... :blink:


you do both :laugh: , only joking mate, packed fags up 18 years ago, cut the drink down to few cans on sat+ sunday night.Had to as it was getting me in trouble :yes:

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Why anyone would slide into alcohol addiction or drug addiction is beyond me...It does'nt happen overnight and surely they can feel which way they're heading. Either weak willed or just plain stupid imo. Most turn into outright dickheads on the drink so why do they let themselves get to that stage in the first place..Whatever happened to havin a drink just to be sociable instead of havin a drink to get outright plastered..?A fool and his money eh..atb stabba

all the same can be said about smoking..... :blink:


you do both :laugh: , only joking mate, packed fags up 18 years ago, cut the drink down to few cans on sat+ sunday night.Had to as it was getting me in trouble :yes:

:laugh: :laugh: ive cut down on the drink mate, couple of cans after work does me now!!! fags are the nightmare!!! but knock them on the head soon to i hope.... :D cant even be arsed with going out tonight and i know wheres there a right old session going on, but staying in and save my money... :thumbs:

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  • 7 years later...
On 23/08/2012 at 20:17, stewie said:

i cant quit..... :icon_redface: everyday i wake up saying tonight i wont drink, all day at work i say i wont have any tonight but then i drive past a shop with a big flashing sign in it saying "COLD, REFRESHING LAGER ON SPECIAL OFFER" or get a phone call of someone in a pub and im drawn like a moth to a light,,,,,, :cray: i no its sad and i should quit BUT that first sip of a cold, crisp pint is soooooo fecking nice and then after that theres no stopping till im steamin,,,,,, :icon_redface: the thing is there is no real way to get away from beer, its for sale in every shop and every pub/club/resturant etc sells it!! its alright saying about will power and all that palaver but when you are young and dont give a f**k its easy to rack the years up on drink, then all of a sudden you have drank over half your life and stopping a long habit aint easy...... :no: maybe its time to grow up and get help..... :hmm: please dont take the piss it was hard admitting that as im sure not many of you guessed,,,,,,,, :D

Took a while, was a lot of hard work but you got there in the end kid ;) 

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1 hour ago, Stoney100 said:

Took a while, was a lot of hard work but you got there in the end kid ;) 

That's the way Stewie, don't take yourself too seriously and stop playing the f***ing victim 

Cheers, D.

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