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ferrets mating

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Thanks. They aren't my jills. They belong to the Huntsman of my local hunt, i'm going to have a couple though.

savage man,well just in case mine are'nt caught,canyou send a a couple down here,if the other way round

you can have a couple of ours,all the best,


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absolutely right ferretlove,there are many amateurs coming into the game right now,some of them

may own a hob and jill,and being summer it's breeding time so they may welcome the advice as they may be wondering why their ferrets are making strange noises etc;more to the point this is going to happen in a lot of ferret hutches right now,we can't ignore some basic animal rights now can we?Maybe some members out there can tell us if any of this information has been helpful,all the best,



Maybe a topic on the alternatives wouldnt go a miss as well then to be honest breeding wouldnt be at the top of my list of prorities when wanting advice about getting ferrets & how to keep them.


Things like housing & feeding would obviously need to be addressed first , but i honestly dont think the average newbie ferret keeper is going to benefit from being shown how a male ferret gets his leg over :laugh:


I think the moral of your thread is seperate hutches :laugh::laugh:

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absolutely right ferretlove,there are many amateurs coming into the game right now,some of them

may own a hob and jill,and being summer it's breeding time so they may welcome the advice as they may be wondering why their ferrets are making strange noises etc;more to the point this is going to happen in a lot of ferret hutches right now,we can't ignore some basic animal rights now can we?Maybe some members out there can tell us if any of this information has been helpful,all the best,



Maybe a topic on the alternatives wouldnt go a miss as well then to be honest breeding wouldnt be at the top of my list of prorities when wanting advice about getting ferrets & how to keep them.


Things like housing & feeding would obviously need to be addressed first , but i honestly dont think the average newbie ferret keeper is going to benefit from being shown how a male ferret gets his leg over :laugh:


I think the moral of your thread is seperate hutches :laugh::laugh:



This brings up the question of , should ferrets be mated every year either by a vasectomised hob or a fully functioned hob. The point you make about the sore neck only happens if the jill is left too long with the hob, 24 hours is more than enough time for the hob to hit his target. I personally have a vasectomised hob and a intact hob and they get moved from my main court to cages as soon as I notice them taking too much interest in the jills, then I select what jills go with what hob. This year I have 3 litters out of 12 jills. IMHO mating is a very important part of a ferrets life and should part of the learning process for a newbie to ferreting but not before husbandry, feeding and general health.

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