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ferrets mating

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just thought i'd send these pics in of my ferrets mating,wasn't going to breed them this year

but the hob actually got under the floor above to the jill,the photos are from tonight when i threw the jill in with him and took some photos,i figured since he already had her ,might as well chuck him in now and again,

satisfies their urges and keeps them quiet later on i suppose,







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well i suppose we would never have ferrets in real life if you did not allow them to do what's supposed to

be natural,i let them mate if the urge is that strong,why deny them is what i ask ?As in the case of infections i keep a close eye on the jill,and will treat accordingly,but after the first encounter there was no sign of serious biting on her neck,but all the same i will monitor the situation,all the best,


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And we need to see ferrets bonking why? :blink::laugh::laugh:


:icon_eek::laugh: Very good question MOLLY. I had two males with my jill for a few days and was told in no uncertain terms (Off my partner) that is was unnecessary to keep two hobs and a jill together :icon_eek: I had to swap them for a jill with longdogrunner to keep the peace :blink::icon_redface::icon_eek: Just as well he was understanding and helpfull :yes:

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The last thing they care about is a sore neck...i say let nature take it's course! :)


Well when her necks covered in sores & she has been shagged lord knows how many times , someone will be asking what can they put on her neck, preventions better than cure imo :(



I agree Moll do we need to see ferrets mating, we know how it happens :laugh::laugh:

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yes i can see all your points of view,but this is natural in the grand scheme of things,not something i endowed ferrets with,also there could be some amateurs wanting to know what mating rituals look like,

not trying to upset people here,but the photos could be of help to amateurs who've never bred from their ferrets,all the best,


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yes i can see all your points of view,but this is natural in the grand scheme of things,not something i endowed ferrets with,also there could be some amateurs wanting to know what mating rituals look like,

not trying to upset people here,but the photos could be of help to amateurs who've never bred from their ferrets,all the best,



I'll remember to show the pictures to me hob next year to make sure he knows what he's doing :D

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yes i can see all your points of view,but this is natural in the grand scheme of things,not something i endowed ferrets with,also there could be some amateurs wanting to know what mating rituals look like,

not trying to upset people here,but the photos could be of help to amateurs who've never bred from their ferrets,all the best,



Well with all due respect why does an amature need to know how to breed ferrets?dont you think they need to get to grips with the basics first :hmm:


Like how to tell the difference between a hob & a jill, cause there the questions people ask believe it or not. breedings fine but i wouldnt encourage it ,its a bit like running before you can walk, just my humble opinion of course :laugh:

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absolutely right ferretlove,there are many amateurs coming into the game right now,some of them

may own a hob and jill,and being summer it's breeding time so they may welcome the advice as they may be wondering why their ferrets are making strange noises etc;more to the point this is going to happen in a lot of ferret hutches right now,we can't ignore some basic animal rights now can we?Maybe some members out there can tell us if any of this information has been helpful,all the best,


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