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When a fox turned out to be a stoat

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Stoats I trapped few weeks ago, got named mixed up fail on my part.


Well I can't really argue can I, it's all in what you believe, people make mistakes. I knew it was either a stoat or mink. It was the size and colour of it that through me, I now see my foolish ways.






fail ??? be honest you dont know one from the other .

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Looks like a mink to me, but well done anyway

When a Fox turned out to be a Stoat pretending to look like a Mink. Could of been a cat for all you knew.

i know needs must and all that but they are facinating creatures all the same

Mink ! this place is full o clowns wae dugs n guns that huvnae a f****n clue nae wonder things are in the state they are no wonder huntings banned and politicians are out to ban all field sports. nuhin but clowns givin the rest o us a bad name by goin around killin and shooting at things when you dont even know what they are !

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Mink ! this place is full o clowns wae dugs n guns that huvnae a f****n clue nae wonder things are in the state they are no wonder huntings banned and politicians are out to ban all field sports. nuhin but clowns givin the rest o us a bad name by goin around killin and shooting at things when you dont even know what they are !


You must be one of the clown's, why not try speaking English, posting like a 3 year old makes us look like idiots also.

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Come bk when youve a clue youve nae idea how far av got in life im loyal to the crown and our glorious queen. im one of her elite come bk when youve met her personaly youll find her views on the subject almost identical to mine ! I wont be drawn in to some petty slanging match young man thats all some of you seem to come on here for !

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Shit happens Stewart,a mistake,it's simple everyone does now and then, I sure have, don't think you warranted a slating by some people maybe just a reply pointing out the mistake,I thought we are supposed to be working together so to speak not rippin eachother to bits,yes its a public forum but its not just this post ,you can read alot worse posts that could tickle the do gooders arse.I think sometimes constructive criticism is needed but not be humiliated,no wonder people don't hang about long on here,give the lad a break I'm sure he will Be more carefull in future posts thats if he makes anymore after havin the cane




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