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Hi, has anybody,s dog running abilities been effected once they have cut the tends? My bitch sliced hers yesterday and after being stitched back up , I know it is going to part again... And she will have to cope with having a flat toe now, but I'm gutted now thinking it will effect her running. Any experiences on it??????

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My dog cut his stifle tendon last year was very lucky a bit higher he wouldve been finished but he came back ok. Don't like any toe injurys I think toes and wrist injurys effect them run. If you can get lazer done on toe helps a lot. Good luck hope it comes goodd for you.

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  On 21/08/2012 at 11:22, baz said:

Hi, has anybody,s dog running abilities been effected once they have cut the tends? My bitch sliced hers yesterday and after being stitched back up , I know it is going to part again... And she will have to cope with having a flat toe now, but I'm gutted now thinking it will effect her running. Any experiences on it??????

I've seen a good few dogs run excellently with ruptured tendons, but obviously it is not ideal.As Gorger said, lazer treatment can be beneficial
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My old man has had greyhounds which have had toes removed following tendon injuries, obviously not ideal, but they still ran well enough. Tendons have little to no blood supply so it is unlikely the tendon will heal fully, as the blood is needed to supply body tissue with the nutrients to heal. Hence muscles heal quickly due to large blood supply in muscle tissue and th tendons and ligaments are a little trickier to heal right. Cheers Matt.

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Yes baz if you can find a vet that does running dogs they diffo have lazer treatment. Get a bottle odzone its australian gear for race horses and greeyhounds time lucas done stifle tendon vet told me 4 months a girl down london fantastic at injurys does lot boys dogs down south eng she gve me odzone honestly worked wonders my vet couldn't believe how quick it healed now he uses it. All bone men using it now. Go on internet type in OdZONE buy a bottle fantastic for tendons and liagaments.

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  On 21/08/2012 at 21:11, gorger said:

Yes baz if you can find a vet that does running dogs they diffo have lazer treatment. Get a bottle odzone its australian gear for race horses and greeyhounds time lucas done stifle tendon vet told me 4 months a girl down london fantastic at injurys does lot boys dogs down south eng she gve me odzone honestly worked wonders my vet couldn't believe how quick it healed now he uses it. All bone men using it now. Go on internet type in OdZONE buy a bottle fantastic for tendons and liagaments.



:thumbs: :thumbs:

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