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wonder if the police will come down on her like they did the white woman, and if she hates white people so much why dont she f**k off and go some where where its all black , but doubt she will as then she couldnt scroung off our benifits

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she should face charges and the man hunt that the white woman had when she spouted off on the tube... but i bet she wont!!!     ps if u feel so strongly f**k off back to africa and see how you like

Q: Wonder how long it takes for the police to arrest her on rascist charges?....     A: Never,because ethnics can't be rascist!

wouldnt waste the money on the round. a lot of time and effort goes into making them

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  On 21/08/2012 at 08:48, walshie said:

My parents are African - born in Jamaica? :laugh: :laugh:


i think what she was ment to say is........ my parents are from african heritage and thier ansesors were african slaves, who were taken to jamaica by both white and african black slave traders ;)


she seems like a really nice lady tho!

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Skycat that census is from 2001 and doesnt include illegal immigrants i dont think. she blames whites for the slave trade when percentage wise the jews were the driving force behind it and the first slave owner in america was a black man lol

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Dispicable Creature ... Fuck1n Racist Tramp , id love her to off been on the Tube with the White Girl who Got Jail , As said earlier I will be Gob Smacked if we here anymore on This f****n Horrible THING , Police will probably be affraid to arrest her for fear off being classed as Racists ... SHE HAS Her Rights IN IT !!

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I belive she mean to say:


"I am so glad I am black. I was bron African and I'll die African, here's my British passport I no longer wish to be part of the Sovereignty and refuse to accept any benefit beset to the British people by the British Government any longer.

The only reason I was born in this country is because your people brought my people here, what I mean by that is after WWII there was a large amount of rebuilding and therefore work opportunities so the British Government kindly offered the ability to come and get decent paid work and accomodation to all members of the Commonwealth at the time. Originally my ancestors where sold by their own people to anyone willing to pay the asking price.Thankfully, due to the political rally of the British people the Slave Trade was abolished."


I don't know how you can be African yet born in Jamaica or African born in Britain. I have blonde hair and blue eyes so I guess I am a Scandanavian born in Britian.


Oh yeah, has she looked at the Aid that Britian send sover the African countries per year? Maybe not.

Edited by hutch6
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