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Some Anti's faces from today plus VRM to look out for active in the peaks

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Guest Leveller
  On 21/08/2012 at 12:57, PeakOil said:

This thread reminded me of a 'woman' :whistling: that works for the ARSEPCA. It appears the 'charity' has had all mention of her and images of her removed from Google. :hmm:



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In the chance to knock f**k out of a couple of antis.....but you stick to your them and us brigade and keep the antis happy eh!!!...FFS!!!

Well your wrong I'm afraid, I don't know a hill keeper now that doesn't keep lurchers & terriers(bar the odd head keeper from the old school) and I know a fair few.. If folk would get out & gi

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  On 21/08/2012 at 13:17, Leveller said:
  On 21/08/2012 at 12:57, PeakOil said:

This thread reminded me of a 'woman' :whistling: that works for the ARSEPCA. It appears the 'charity' has had all mention of her and images of her removed from Google. :hmm:



why ?
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  On 21/08/2012 at 13:17, Leveller said:
  On 21/08/2012 at 12:57, PeakOil said:

This thread reminded me of a 'woman' :whistling: that works for the ARSEPCA. It appears the 'charity' has had all mention of her and images of her removed from Google. :hmm:




No not that owd bat. The last time I mentioned her name and posted her picture the internet police arrested the thread and detained it indefinitely. Mentioning her/it nearly had another forum shut down. :hmm:

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  On 21/08/2012 at 12:37, cookiemonsterandmerlin said:

So many are ashamed to say they enjoying hunting and killing I am not but the aim is to do it quickly and be humane and allow the animals to have a quick death and for it to be eaten where possable .


ATB Cookie

im not jumping on you lol.............................................who the feck hunts and are ashamed to say they enjoy it...........................?

there is no better feeling in the world .............................hunting with dogs/hounds (or what ever you use)................to see a hunt which is so natural to your dogs and countryside..........

im not ashamed ...................that feeling inside is better than any fooking drugs ...............................!

and as stated the kill should be as quick as humanely possible ..........................like a gun when used correctly...............its bred in you and to not feel it and admit your feeling your in the wrong game in my opionion..............im not jumping on you mate :thumbs::victory:

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  On 21/08/2012 at 14:21, whippet 99 said:
  On 21/08/2012 at 12:37, cookiemonsterandmerlin said:

So many are ashamed to say they enjoying hunting and killing I am not but the aim is to do it quickly and be humane and allow the animals to have a quick death and for it to be eaten where possable .


ATB Cookie

im not jumping on you lol.............................................who the feck hunts and are ashamed to say they enjoy it...........................?

there is no better feeling in the world .............................hunting with dogs/hounds (or what ever you use)................to see a hunt which is so natural to your dogs and countryside..........

im not ashamed ...................that feeling inside is better than any fooking drugs ...............................!

and as stated the kill should be as quick as humanely possible ..........................like a gun when used correctly...............its bred in you and to not feel it and admit your feeling your in the wrong game in my opionion..............im not jumping on you mate :thumbs::victory:

must admit i use to enjoy some drugs better cannie beat a good trip of magic mushrooms and hunting at the same time great fun lol
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  On 21/08/2012 at 15:15, maxhardcore said:

Get a Landowner to cover them in pig shite and piss as they are stood together as seen in photos.

Cover them and their vehicles.

They will soon fook off.

Saying that it could be an improvement on the scruffy b*****ds body odour.

That option was discussed. lol

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  On 21/08/2012 at 15:18, tegater said:
  On 21/08/2012 at 15:15, maxhardcore said:

Get a Landowner to cover them in pig shite and piss as they are stood together as seen in photos.

Cover them and their vehicles.

They will soon fook off.

Saying that it could be an improvement on the scruffy b*****ds body odour.

That option was discussed. lol

spreading lime upwind :whistling:
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Too bloody scared to show their faces half of them.

There all idle gits who just want to cause trouble, no matter what the 'cause'.

Im close to the peaks and im out there quite a lot so if i see them around ill inform the police.



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The question never got answered and as I am not up to speed with the actions of these folk I was interested to know how they manage to stop shoots taking place? Do they scare off the birds (free beating)? Do they trespass and walk in front of the guns? What do they do? Who calls the police them or the shooters?


I am all for field sports regardless of which you choose to partake in so I'd happily turn up and face them no matter who was getting harrassed from a man out for a mooch to a ful organised shoot that costs £££'s just to get on the list of invites, without the face mask, proud of what we do and in full knowledge we do it for the right reasons and the enjoyment and not just because of some barbaric bloodlust the uneducated think we do it for.


Call them what you want and wil but to me they just seem uneducated and from some of the actions that are reported with assaults and vandalism of property relating to field sports, they are no better than mindless idiots that just want to key a car, feel they are owed something and generally have no real purpose other than to be led like a drone up the garden path about field sports being cruel. Perhaps if they focussed their efforts at better causes or more meaningful causes they might actually make a difference to their lives, the lives of others and stop animals from suffering rather than fussing about anuimals that live a maore natural life than they ever will and meet with a more humane death they can only pray for.


Where were they all when the framers marched about the price of milk and the fact that we are looking at having to have battery dairy cows?

Where were they all when the government brought in the Dangerous Dogs Act and labelled ALL dogs of those breeds dangerous rather than looking at the individual circumstances?

Why aren't they stood at the side of lochs used for salmon farming and banging on about the issues they cause for wilstock on their migratory path?

Why aren't they buring down puppy farmers dwellings?

Why are they not rescuing animals from shelters that have been waiting for adoption for over two years?

Why do I not see them stood near fishermen on the waterside throwing rocks in anytime I see one?

Why are they not lobbying the EU to make the battery chicken method illegal in other European countries?

Are they will to pay an extra 20p per veg item in order for the farmers, landowners etc to not have to lease land out for shoots for extra income?


I wonder how many have dogs of their own and I wonder how much they love their dogs and I wonder what breeds of dogs they have and I wonder how many of those dogs have a hunting/working breed in them. I also wonder how many are vegetarian yet own a cat which is a true carnivore. I wonder how many fo these cat owners allow their cats to roam free outtside where they actively hunt everythign and anything big enough from mice and voles to songbirds. I wonder how many own a carnivore yet they themselevs are vegetarian and feed their pets meat based food. I wonder how many think about where that food comes from. I wonder how many would happily swap their multinational manufactuered faceless meat product that is a bi-product of mass slaughtered, potentially poorly raised animal with no real life and a dreadful and stressful death for something organic, born in the wild, bred in the wild, fed in the wild, felt the sun on it's back and never cramped in to a trailer before it died a reasonable death with every respect for the way of life it had, the adversary it proved to be and every inch of being that it was and eveything but the noise that it made being put to use.

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