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stripping a dogs coat

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Just a question' ive got a deerhound collie greyhound lurcher with a good long coat, she seems to struggle in this weather with being to hot!

If i strip her out or shave her will her coat come back as good? Whats the best way to thin her coat out? Just asking for advice. Cheers

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There are thumb thimbles you can buy, very handy for stripping, like the ones used for sewing. If you plan on stripping try and watch a tutorial online first if possible to reduce the chance of the dog being uncomfortable when your doing it.

But if you just want a quick easy fix just shave her.


Hope this helps :victory:

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These work pretty well for my Lucher, and Husky. They strip out alot of fur. Use it like you would brush the dog.


If you get the dog trimmed, it will grow back. But, you may still have to strip out the dead hair.


Good luck

Just bought 1 of those and it came this week. Really good for stripping the dead hair off. I trimmed her down then used that.

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Ill give the hacksaw blade a try ive got one knocking about im sure..

I tell you - you will see some difference in your dogs in no time. I swear by a hacksaw blade, wouldn't use anything eles :thumbs:


Best of Luck, Nicole. :victory:

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