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running on rape stubble

Guest long-tail

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Guest long-tail

Hang on here a mo LT, no need to get arsey, no-one else is.

Firstly your writing style is hard for me to decipher but from what i gathered initially, your post was regarding rape, your dog accidentally ran into it, so you were going to avoid it.

Then you go on to say you have/want to run it.

Then you went on about but how on earth were you going to keep your dog fit all SEASON if you don't run on rape....hence my reply it is only August, the rape will be gone soon enough.

Make your bleedin mind up, either you want a discussion about running dogs in rape or you dont? :laugh:

Remember no-one actually knows you, you could be 13yrs old with your first dog so people want to help.


In my humble opinion regarding running dogs in conditions likely to cause injury...

If your a go out now and then hunting type of person, pick up the odd prey on a walk with the dogs, then the chances are you can run your dogs on ploughed fields, rape, ice etc without picking up much injury. As the chances are dramatically reduced than someone who is out a lot with their dog.


Or as someone else put it, if you cross the road, you might get run over. But if you spend all week walking back and forwards across different roads you probably WILL ;)

you read it wrong if you think so :yes: ,far from in fact,perhaps im just shite at essay writing and it is hard to decifer what im actualy trying to say rather than to have a conversation in person,il always do what i do regardless of thl opinions,the day i feel i need praising or condeming from people i dont even know will be the day i sit at home watching the dog getting pissed off by its fleas in the kennell...................something like that anyway :laugh: anything else i need to know il ask me dad apparently he knows a few lads that know their shit even if he dont :laugh: and on that note il leave you all to it cheers ;) Edited by long-tail
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Should never run on rape stubble, or any other stubble come to that !! Never run on plough, never run if the ground is to hard/soft wet/dry/snow or frosty !! Never run a dog on the lamp if it is to li

very easy for a dog to loose an eye when striking on rape stubble

And it's fooking boiling hot..

spikes like javalin heads but theres so much of it and getting young bitch out regular its hard to keep clear of it at times although we got plenty corn fields they are usualy side by side with the rape and iv rode the mountain bike about as far as i can manage these last few months.


cant tell her which side the field to run wouldnt be so bad if we had some heavy rain to soften it up trouble is by then they usualy ploghing it back in and sure we all heard plenty of injury stories to dogs on the rape,will have to find some new land it seems dont want be knocking the bitch out as the season approaches but got off lightly this time not worth pushing her luck will be stearing clear from now on.


nimble little bitch at 21tts with a neat strike for 11 month old





Your the one that said you wanted to keep clear of rape stubble??........another THL rivet !

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