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URGENT: Read and Act

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The Royal Mail at the moment are obliged to carry "Sporting Guns" of all descriptions, including their parts!

This means we can buy and sell second user items using the Royal Mail :yes:




The Royal Mail want to bow down to the Anti-Gun Lobby :yes:


We do not have much time left to prevent them doing this


They wish to change the rules, thus making our Legal Sales (we need their transportation facilities) of second user Air Rifles, Air Pistols and their parts to do so legally unless it's face to face.


They are proposing that they are allowed to tell us to feck off, thus making our second user sales and indeed our legitimate aquasition of spare parts virtually unobtainable!


IF they succeed then our sport/hobby is under yet more restriction.


READ, FOLLOW and STICK YOUR OAR IN at this dispicable way of further "OPPRESSION" of our RIGHTS.





Edited by Phantom
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I agree with Mawders.


It's Britain all over. Another measure of panic-management; of hiding inefficiency and failure to deliver their contractual agreement to provide service for payment, without actually doing anything for the good of one and all, or even themselves.


What possible good will this latest idea do? Reduce the risk of violent crime? Improve Health And Safety in the postal workplace? No. It will simply serve the Royal Mail with its Government-imposed efficiency targets it is not currently meeting.


They are so buggered up with backlogs and inefficiencies, thanks to employing a lot of thieving lazy b*****ds among the good, honest-minded workers, that reducing the amount of mail they currently have to handle and deliver is the only way out for them.

The gun trade is a pretty good place to start making exclusive, refusal-to-carry terms and conditions lawful.


Getting angry and forming a lobby to parliament will not do a bloody thing. In spite of the fact that shooting sports combined in the UK bring in over 1.5 billion quid a year to the Treasury, that incidents involving illegal firearms are still pretty rare and the UK, as a whole, has some of the most stringent firearms laws in the world.


All that will happen is there will be more reliance on couriers and White-Van Men!


Unless the Government takes it to the limit and ALL commercial movement of gun-spares, ammo and accessories becomes verboten.



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I don't think it will matter whether we agree or not but good luck with your mission I hope you are successful.





I agree with Mawders.


It's Britain all over. Another measure of panic-management; of hiding inefficiency and failure to deliver their contractual agreement to provide service for payment, without actually doing anything for the good of one and all, or even themselves.


What possible good will this latest idea do? Reduce the risk of violent crime? Improve Health And Safety in the postal workplace? No. It will simply serve the Royal Mail with its Government-imposed efficiency targets it is not currently meeting.


They are so buggered up with backlogs and inefficiencies, thanks to employing a lot of thieving lazy b*****ds among the good, honest-minded workers, that reducing the amount of mail they currently have to handle and deliver is the only way out for them.

The gun trade is a pretty good place to start making exclusive, refusal-to-carry terms and conditions lawful.


Getting angry and forming a lobby to parliament will not do a bloody thing. In spite of the fact that shooting sports combined in the UK bring in over 1.5 billion quid a year to the Treasury, that incidents involving illegal firearms are still pretty rare and the UK, as a whole, has some of the most stringent firearms laws in the world.


All that will happen is there will be more reliance on couriers and White-Van Men!


Unless the Government takes it to the limit and ALL commercial movement of gun-spares, ammo and accessories becomes verboten.




So your not going to do anything about it then? Your going to sit on your ar$e


Ive just had this from a friend and it's got a point! He has emailed the appropriate person at the RM and he has CC'd it to the appropriate person at BASC.


I suggest we all do something very similar and I've suggested it to this guy that he sends it to POSTCOMM Especially as POSTCOMM Ruled IN OUR FAVOUR last time that 'Consginia AKA Royal Mail' tried to stop the transportation of SPORTING GUNS it a few years ago.


Dear Zoe Allchorn,

I am writing with regards to the Royal Mail's proposal to ban the transportation of guns and their component parts - including air guns - by post. In my opinion such a ban is unjustified and unfair.


I have enjoyed shooting as a sport for over thirty years. Nowadays, most of my shooting is limited to informal recreational target shooting at home using a variety of suitably low-powered air rifles (sub 12 ft lb) and pistols (sub 6 ft lb). It is conducted in a safe and proper fashion. I know I share this interest in shooting with many hundreds of thousands of other people in the United Kingdom.


Part of the enjoyment of air gun shooting is being able to buy second hand guns from other enthusiasts - perhaps rare or even antique models - and have them delivered to the door by post. Furthermore, if I require a spare part or need to send a gun for repair... what would be my options? Your ban would particularly affect those living in the countryside - all for no reason, whatsoever.


Any guns which I have sent or received in the post have always been packaged safely and securely.


I understand this subject has already been discussed with your regulator, Postcomm, in 2005 and they ruled against any such ban.


I have always been impressed with the services offered by the Royal Mail. To prohibit the carriage of sporting guns and components in the post has no justification, is totally unnecessary and would achieve nothing except to inconvenience law abiding people like myself, preventing them from participating in their chosen sport. I am also extremely surprised at such an announcement following Peter Wilson's extraordinary achievement at winning a gold medal in the London Olympic Games.

Yours sincerely,

A*******W******** (BASC member) - by email.


cc. Christopher Graffius, BASC

(to be sent to zoe.allchorn@royalmail.com)


Now come on People, you have to do something, LOBBY the Royal Mail as we are doing, Support BASC, as we are doing (BASC are already fighting this for us us all) Lobby YOUR MP as we are doing ours and most of all COMPLAIN to POSTCOMM about the Royal Mail Plans, Tell them how "UNFAIR" the plans are Ask them to Rule AGAINST the Plans, They have done it before and I'msure with enough people requesting their help they will do it again for us.

Ultimately it's POSTCOMM who will rule if the Royal Mail can or can not do this to us.


We are why not you guy's?



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I didn't say anything about sitting on my arse and not do anything Tony.


I've sat on my arse, instead.... and writen to both Cameron at No.10 my MP Yvette Cooper this morning. I want her to raise this in the house and ask why the RM are threatening to damage an industry worth well over a billion quid a year to the treasury.


Have you taken a closer look at the people who govern you? That incompetent liar Cameron and his feckless Eton school Fag Clegg don't give a toss for shooting or those of us that enjoy it.


It's the money it makes is all they'd care about. So that's where you have to "alarm" them in order to get somewhere with them. They are also not very good at maintaining a position under pressure from public opinion. look how many U-Turns they've made so far.




I'll believe it will do any good when I see it with that pair Cameron and Clegg. But I've written to Downing Street and my MP and raised her awareness all the same!


Letters posted.


Edit to add. A similar email to Zoe Allchorn was sent a few minutes ago. As long as EVERYONE does something like this, there is always a chance of doing something. But it needs EVERYONE.



Edited by pianoman
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I didn't say anything about sitting on my arse and not do anything Tony.


I've sat on my arse, instead.... and writen to both Cameron at No.10 my MP Yvette Cooper this morning. I want her to raise this in the house and ask why the RM are threatening to damage an industry worth well over a billion quid a year to the treasury.


Have you taken a closer look at the people who govern you? That incompetent liar Cameron and his feckless Eton school Fag Clegg don't give a toss for shooting or those of us that enjoy it.


It's the money it makes is all they'd care about. So that's where you have to "alarm" them in order to get somewhere with them. They are also not very good at maintaining a position under pressure from public opinion. look how many U-Turns they've made so far.




I'll believe it will do any good when I see it with that pair Cameron and Clegg. But I've written to Downing Street and my MP and raised her awareness all the same!


Letters posted.


Edit to add. A similar email to Zoe Allchorn was sent a few minutes ago. As long as EVERYONE does something like this, there is always a chance of doing something. But it needs EVERYONE.




You sir are a pro, much respect.





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Hi Simon,

The sitting on ones arse was a comment made to stir up people to do something about this.

Good idea re the PM :D I know one politician is as bad as another, no matter which party runs (allegedly) the country.


Ofcom (used to be Postcom) are being hit left right and centre at the moment to over rule the RM's proposals and Poor Miss Allcrom has suddenly decidedto take a holliday with the amount of emails she's being hit with :laugh:


If enough of us complain about it pointing out the legitamacy of our sport/hobby/lifestyle and how we rely on the RM for sending guns to one another and getting hold of spare and replacement parts, then Ofcom will have no choice but to listen and find in our favour. The reasons that the RM state are pretty much the same reasons that they used in 2005 and as nothing has changed, since then (or very little) I see no reason why the Ofcom/Postcom ruling should be overturned.


Take care,



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