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Men of good repute

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Often people on the forums will ask about so and so and his dogs or so and so and another guys dogs.


What I never understand is why people don't contact the guys themselves. Ya'll are within driving distance of almost every good terrierman alive but you don't go to meet the folks yourself. Locate them and talk to them. The internet is an amazing thing. I've talked to many awesome guys including men who according to the forums seem uncontactable. All have been eager to help and nice fellows. Give them a call or shoot them an email.

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Often people on the forums will ask about so and so and his dogs or so and so and another guys dogs.


What I never understand is why people don't contact the guys themselves. Ya'll are within driving distance of almost every good terrierman alive but you don't go to meet the folks yourself. Locate them and talk to them. The internet is an amazing thing. I've talked to many awesome guys including men who according to the forums seem uncontactable. All have been eager to help and nice fellows. Give them a call or shoot them an email.

Thats all well and good,but,these type of people have had to put up with every numpty,wannabe and chancer,over the years.Most of them now want little contact with people they don,t know,they have reason to choose their friends and acquaintances with care,more so now.
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In many ways Mosby your dead right, we live in a small island and everyone is within driving distance (unless they are after a dog for sale!) and it must beggar belife as to why so many ask so much about certain folk when they are on their own doorstep.


So, in theory yep, we could just pop over and meet some of the names in the terrier world BUT this small island is also choc full of dog lads, 95% of whome are helmets, idiots and timewaisters and those 'greats' of the terrier world wouldn't be too happy with every Tom, Dick or Harry knocking on their door everyday.


These people are not inaccessable and if you are in the game long enough and are doing well within it, i'm sure you'll blaze a trail to your hero's.... ;)

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i cant understand why most is obsessed with the big names yes they have tested and bred theyre own strains of dogs that suit them. but i dont think they set out to become a known big hitter in the terrier world, to me they just did what they wanted to do and thats work the dogs they had, but endd up peddlars in a way for the dosh by using a name to sell pups but each to theyre own. i bet theres a lot who have great dogs out there but strive to have what theyve seen or read in a book and cant see the wood for the trees meaning they dont realise what theyve got in their own dogs, be intresting to see what big names emerge in the future with different breeds that them become the next best dog to get, dont develop your type into a dog that suits somebody else do it for what you want from the dogs isnt that how they did it :thumbs:

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Yes, I suppose it is a very different climate for dog work over there. A week ago I visited a dog man that is considered a great here in America. He told me he's visited by kings and priests, vagabonds and drunks and he liked every one of them. Ha Ha. The political climate must make that different in America as compared to where you all live more than anything. The man was happy as heck to show me around his yard and invited me back next time I'm in his state. He's not a terrierman but he's got some damn good tree dogs. I wish I could as easily visit some of the men on here. It's not in the cards. But heck there's only one dogman I can think of that I wish I'd never met. Different culture I guess. Plus, no one is kissing my but for dogs ha ha.

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i cant understand why most is obsessed with the big names yes they have tested and bred theyre own strains of dogs that suit them. but i dont think they set out to become a known big hitter in the terrier world, to me they just did what they wanted to do and thats work the dogs they had, but endd up peddlars in a way for the dosh by using a name to sell pups but each to theyre own. i bet theres a lot who have great dogs out there but strive to have what theyve seen or read in a book and cant see the wood for the trees meaning they dont realise what theyve got in their own dogs, be intresting to see what big names emerge in the future with different breeds that them become the next best dog to get, dont develop your type into a dog that suits somebody else do it for what you want from the dogs isnt that how they did it :thumbs:

Your absolutely spot on mate,Ive been about a bit over the years and met quite a few of the big famous names and to be honest more often than not i came home disapointed with what i had seen,Even when i was still a youngish lad with only a few years experiece in the game.What i would say to anyone who is going to meet a big name in the game is go with a completely nuetral mind and let them prove to you that they deserve your respect.
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The thing about being a " name" in the terrier world is it's something that's given to them by other lads! I doubt it's something that they started out with the intentions of doing. They only get the reputation they have because they have the knack of producing consistent workers more often than not. I've only met two " names" in the terrier job and Im sure theyre both clever enough to admit that they're not names in the job . As they both realise it's a poisoned chalice! But what's happened is they're both names now like it or not. The couple of times I've seen them out and about you can't get close because of the arse lickers and hangers on . All I'm sure are decent enough lads and keep an honest yard but a lot of terrier men love a name. To add what there bitch might lack of course lol. Jmho

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I have been in a few yards in my time(I dont know anybody famous)the yards that impressed me most(I am not easily impressed)were the yards of men who nobody knew or talked about,men who were humble with what they had and talked no shite,and looked for no name or MONEY,just loved dogs and digging.They are the real dog men not those BIG names who everybody bullshites about.Just to add they were not all country boys some were city boys who kept dogs any man would keep in his yard.

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i find the ones who keep there self to there self have good dogs in there kennels ...............the more commercial terrier men often speak shite and are in it for money more than anything, as for names it dont mean shit ............................seen people drive miles for promises of dogs and they have done this and that and were scared of there own shadow.

stick to pups out of workers you have dug too, for one you know what your getting and two you keep it between close digging friends.


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