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money making?

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nope but gave him some help along the way i`m all for making your own way in life doing something you enjoy rather than answer to some knut thats really no better than you but thinks for 40 hours a

How about just getting a job if you havnt got one, that seems to make people money............   Or the easy route, plant a feck load of weed or pimp ya mrs out either would do lol

get some plants that look like tomato plants   you'l be rolling in it....or stoned :laugh:

if your round the car boots pick up galv buckets mop buckets and watering cans --brother in law saves em up plants em out thr his top sellers - he buys alot of his stuff in bedding plants ,and hanging baskets and adds a cuple of quid on ..

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Stig defiantly something I wanna do. Have thought about breeding things but don't really like to produce animals just yo make a quick quid. But your suggestions are what I've thought of most. Cheers may be the kick I need to get goin known some one makes it work.

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  On 17/08/2012 at 19:51, johnpop said:

Stig defiantly something I wanna do. Have thought about breeding things but don't really like to produce animals just yo make a quick quid. But your suggestions are what I've thought of most. Cheers may be the kick I need to get goin known some one makes it work.

talk to your local pet shops see what they buy in---just had a beer with my brother in law he makes picket fencing in 6ft sections ,bat boxes .,cold frames and dovecotes to order he buys hanging baskets from one car boot puts 3 quid on em and sells them at another he mows lawns aswell :thumbs: .. do your homework pop round the garden centres and pet shops pick a day when thr not so busy and can spare you 5 mins tell them what your doin take a sample of your work and a card -- good luck
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  On 17/08/2012 at 22:22, jackoleeds said:

stiggy, is it you? and not the brother in law :yes::whistling::thumbs:

nope but gave him some help along the way :thumbs: i`m all for making your own way in life doing something you enjoy rather than answer to some knut thats really no better than you but thinks for 40 hours a week he is ;) .. Edited by the_stig
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  On 17/08/2012 at 22:39, the_stig said:
  On 17/08/2012 at 22:22, jackoleeds said:

stiggy, is it you? and not the brother in law :yes::whistling::thumbs:

nope but gave him some help along the way :thumbs: i`m all for making your own way in life doing something you enjoy rather than answer to some knut thats really no better than you but thinks for 40 hours a week he is ;) ..

thats the spirit :thumbs:

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  On 17/08/2012 at 22:42, jackoleeds said:
  On 17/08/2012 at 22:39, the_stig said:
  On 17/08/2012 at 22:22, jackoleeds said:

stiggy, is it you? and not the brother in law :yes::whistling::thumbs:

nope but gave him some help along the way :thumbs: i`m all for making your own way in life doing something you enjoy rather than answer to some knut thats really no better than you but thinks for 40 hours a week he is ;) ..

thats the spirit :thumbs:

:thumbs: i`d encourage anyone to have a go --
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Well said stig. Defiantly how I feel at the min, stuck in a dead end job, good money but treat worse than a dog. Lookin to start somethin on the side and gradually progress. Mate of mine from school set up with his dad in a unit makin shed and large stuff but I would prefer small easy to move gear. Gonna get right on this now. Cheers

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