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dave harcombe

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well, where do I start! firstly within these posts a term is used midnight, this is a rhyme word used for midnight mass rhymes with grass!! Anyone want to clear the air regarding the story between him and his son!!


Secondly many of the stories regarding days out are fabricated as I know people who have been present! They to are embarrassed!! Yes I respect any person of his age who gets out and continues to support their sport, however, double standards and lies in any sport or walk of life I cant accept! Its not needed, truth is truth, breeding off none workers, showing, keeping failures and breeding off them is a no no, IMO!


For example, and here is a cracker, Mr Harcombe calls himself a nationalist, he openly admits to supporting the BNP, which is his choice and I respect his choice, too many times he brings this into HIS MAGAZINE which I dont agree with, but like all he wants to broad cast in HIS MAG he can!


Also it is said he doesn't support breeding for shows/selling pups for monitory gain, well lets here the defences to this, he deals himself and his close GOD JASON with (pups) with a foreign person who is clearly none white! (double standards! or does this not count when making money) This person, a Belgium, is a prolific dog breeder and seller of pups and have a guess who he promotes? Yes Harcombe Powell and Gordon, like Mr Hacombe does in HIS MAG!


We had the lies and kiss the arse of Morris Richards Era, Parksy era, fact of the matter is the magazine is the broadcasting paper for self delivery of THEIR BREEDING AND MONEY MAKING INTERESTS!! How can you slag shows but your closest friend loves them and uses them for glory and money, the word we r looking for is hypocrite!


Their choice, but dont talk shit, dont ruin a magazine with your own agenda, money making. Gordon Mason, breeder and exporter, Jason Powell the same, they breed FROM SO MANY NOT TRIED AND TESTED BITCHES and SELL for huge sums of money for fame, not fame in the field, fame in the ring! And heres a question for all you arse licking disciples, what about the moral welfare of the brood bitches!! Would you breed the arse out of a good loyal working bitch?? Personally any breeding should be planned and needed to conserve, preserve and sustain working lines, and the number 1 rule is DONT SELL!! DONT GIVE OR SELL TO SHOW HEADS OR OTHER BREEDERS! Pups to people who deserve em!


All My opinion, been in the company of the man although not direct, heard the stories, I am not a child!!!



Thank fully seen this thread while away by using friends PC, may have missed it as I am away for a weekend with terriers, not all great workers, decent, get you by and odd good un that were bred amongst a close circle and remain in a close circle, never been in a show ring neither!!


good hunting and digging to all you genuine lads, youngsters, 1 lesson in life we all have to learn when growing up, dont believe all you hear, dont believe what you see, unless its in the field/hole, then you see whats what!!


And the above is not to slag individuals as they maybe nice genuine people out side the working terrier world, its slagging their beliefs, lies, morals and principles in MY WORLD!!



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Any man who is still out twice a week at his age, deserves a bit of respect IMHO I hope im still half as keen as him at his age

The bloke is doing what he loves and shares it with all and sundry via the odd book and article. No doubt he has to be careful what exact words get written, but seems to be a que of other lads in the

slate jasons line asmuch as you like but no other line in the country works and throws workers as consistantly as his at this moment in time, FACT!!! now thats a bold statement.. pinch of salt is re

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  On 18/01/2013 at 17:13, DEERMAN said:

one of the nicest most geniune blokes ive had pleasure of meeting ,allways makes you feel welcome ,and one of the most the keenest blokes ive ever met even at his age now .


What he said

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  On 20/01/2013 at 19:38, Bootsha said:
  On 18/01/2013 at 17:13, DEERMAN said:

one of the nicest most geniune blokes ive had pleasure of meeting ,allways makes you feel welcome ,and one of the most the keenest blokes ive ever met even at his age now .


What he said



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Foy, with the greatest of respect, you have had your say with your opinion of the man, and your entirely entitled to your own opinion in this free world, but i think you will find that you are in a very small minority on this subject, and whatever bee is in your bonnet about him is your business, but you will find that, for all your comments, he has done more for the working terrier world that you are very likely to do if you lived three lifetimes.


This is just my humble opinion, i am, as you were, entirely entitled to it.


Kind Regards



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FOY reading back on all your previous posts, you sound like a shit stirrer.


WHY is this?


Wasnt you loved as a kid?


And what the f**k has it got to do with anyone about Dave and hes son?


It hasnt so least said of the better..



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  On 20/01/2013 at 19:32, foy said:

well, where do I start! firstly within these posts a term is used midnight, this is a rhyme word used for midnight mass rhymes with grass!! Anyone want to clear the air regarding the story between him and his son!!


Secondly many of the stories regarding days out are fabricated as I know people who have been present! They to are embarrassed!! Yes I respect any person of his age who gets out and continues to support their sport, however, double standards and lies in any sport or walk of life I cant accept! Its not needed, truth is truth, breeding off none workers, showing, keeping failures and breeding off them is a no no, IMO!


For example, and here is a cracker, Mr Harcombe calls himself a nationalist, he openly admits to supporting the BNP, which is his choice and I respect his choice, too many times he brings this into HIS MAGAZINE which I dont agree with, but like all he wants to broad cast in HIS MAG he can!


Also it is said he doesn't support breeding for shows/selling pups for monitory gain, well lets here the defences to this, he deals himself and his close GOD JASON with (pups) with a foreign person who is clearly none white! (double standards! or does this not count when making money) This person, a Belgium, is a prolific dog breeder and seller of pups and have a guess who he promotes? Yes Harcombe Powell and Gordon, like Mr Hacombe does in HIS MAG!


We had the lies and kiss the arse of Morris Richards Era, Parksy era, fact of the matter is the magazine is the broadcasting paper for self delivery of THEIR BREEDING AND MONEY MAKING INTERESTS!! How can you slag shows but your closest friend loves them and uses them for glory and money, the word we r looking for is hypocrite!


Their choice, but dont talk shit, dont ruin a magazine with your own agenda, money making. Gordon Mason, breeder and exporter, Jason Powell the same, they breed FROM SO MANY NOT TRIED AND TESTED BITCHES and SELL for huge sums of money for fame, not fame in the field, fame in the ring! And heres a question for all you arse licking disciples, what about the moral welfare of the brood bitches!! Would you breed the arse out of a good loyal working bitch?? Personally any breeding should be planned and needed to conserve, preserve and sustain working lines, and the number 1 rule is DONT SELL!! DONT GIVE OR SELL TO SHOW HEADS OR OTHER BREEDERS! Pups to people who deserve em!


All My opinion, been in the company of the man although not direct, heard the stories, I am not a child!!!



Thank fully seen this thread while away by using friends PC, may have missed it as I am away for a weekend with terriers, not all great workers, decent, get you by and odd good un that were bred amongst a close circle and remain in a close circle, never been in a show ring neither!!


good hunting and digging to all you genuine lads, youngsters, 1 lesson in life we all have to learn when growing up, dont believe all you hear, dont believe what you see, unless its in the field/hole, then you see whats what!!


And the above is not to slag individuals as they maybe nice genuine people out side the working terrier world, its slagging their beliefs, lies, morals and principles in MY WORLD!!





Possibly the greatest load of shit ever written on THL.

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  On 20/01/2013 at 19:32, foy said:

well, where do I start! firstly within these posts a term is used midnight, this is a rhyme word used for midnight mass rhymes with grass!! Anyone want to clear the air regarding the story between him and his son!!


Secondly many of the stories regarding days out are fabricated as I know people who have been present! They to are embarrassed!! Yes I respect any person of his age who gets out and continues to support their sport, however, double standards and lies in any sport or walk of life I cant accept! Its not needed, truth is truth, breeding off none workers, showing, keeping failures and breeding off them is a no no, IMO!


For example, and here is a cracker, Mr Harcombe calls himself a nationalist, he openly admits to supporting the BNP, which is his choice and I respect his choice, too many times he brings this into HIS MAGAZINE which I dont agree with, but like all he wants to broad cast in HIS MAG he can!


Also it is said he doesn't support breeding for shows/selling pups for monitory gain, well lets here the defences to this, he deals himself and his close GOD JASON with (pups) with a foreign person who is clearly none white! (double standards! or does this not count when making money) This person, a Belgium, is a prolific dog breeder and seller of pups and have a guess who he promotes? Yes Harcombe Powell and Gordon, like Mr Hacombe does in HIS MAG!


We had the lies and kiss the arse of Morris Richards Era, Parksy era, fact of the matter is the magazine is the broadcasting paper for self delivery of THEIR BREEDING AND MONEY MAKING INTERESTS!! How can you slag shows but your closest friend loves them and uses them for glory and money, the word we r looking for is hypocrite!


Their choice, but dont talk shit, dont ruin a magazine with your own agenda, money making. Gordon Mason, breeder and exporter, Jason Powell the same, they breed FROM SO MANY NOT TRIED AND TESTED BITCHES and SELL for huge sums of money for fame, not fame in the field, fame in the ring! And heres a question for all you arse licking disciples, what about the moral welfare of the brood bitches!! Would you breed the arse out of a good loyal working bitch?? Personally any breeding should be planned and needed to conserve, preserve and sustain working lines, and the number 1 rule is DONT SELL!! DONT GIVE OR SELL TO SHOW HEADS OR OTHER BREEDERS! Pups to people who deserve em!


All My opinion, been in the company of the man although not direct, heard the stories, I am not a child!!!



Thank fully seen this thread while away by using friends PC, may have missed it as I am away for a weekend with terriers, not all great workers, decent, get you by and odd good un that were bred amongst a close circle and remain in a close circle, never been in a show ring neither!!


good hunting and digging to all you genuine lads, youngsters, 1 lesson in life we all have to learn when growing up, dont believe all you hear, dont believe what you see, unless its in the field/hole, then you see whats what!!


And the above is not to slag individuals as they maybe nice genuine people out side the working terrier world, its slagging their beliefs, lies, morals and principles in MY WORLD!!



it carnt be true ive bought all his books
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  On 20/01/2013 at 19:51, hubba paxton said:
  On 20/01/2013 at 19:32, foy said:

well, where do I start! firstly within these posts a term is used midnight, this is a rhyme word used for midnight mass rhymes with grass!! Anyone want to clear the air regarding the story between him and his son!!


Secondly many of the stories regarding days out are fabricated as I know people who have been present! They to are embarrassed!! Yes I respect any person of his age who gets out and continues to support their sport, however, double standards and lies in any sport or walk of life I cant accept! Its not needed, truth is truth, breeding off none workers, showing, keeping failures and breeding off them is a no no, IMO!


For example, and here is a cracker, Mr Harcombe calls himself a nationalist, he openly admits to supporting the BNP, which is his choice and I respect his choice, too many times he brings this into HIS MAGAZINE which I dont agree with, but like all he wants to broad cast in HIS MAG he can!


Also it is said he doesn't support breeding for shows/selling pups for monitory gain, well lets here the defences to this, he deals himself and his close GOD JASON with (pups) with a foreign person who is clearly none white! (double standards! or does this not count when making money) This person, a Belgium, is a prolific dog breeder and seller of pups and have a guess who he promotes? Yes Harcombe Powell and Gordon, like Mr Hacombe does in HIS MAG!


We had the lies and kiss the arse of Morris Richards Era, Parksy era, fact of the matter is the magazine is the broadcasting paper for self delivery of THEIR BREEDING AND MONEY MAKING INTERESTS!! How can you slag shows but your closest friend loves them and uses them for glory and money, the word we r looking for is hypocrite!


Their choice, but dont talk shit, dont ruin a magazine with your own agenda, money making. Gordon Mason, breeder and exporter, Jason Powell the same, they breed FROM SO MANY NOT TRIED AND TESTED BITCHES and SELL for huge sums of money for fame, not fame in the field, fame in the ring! And heres a question for all you arse licking disciples, what about the moral welfare of the brood bitches!! Would you breed the arse out of a good loyal working bitch?? Personally any breeding should be planned and needed to conserve, preserve and sustain working lines, and the number 1 rule is DONT SELL!! DONT GIVE OR SELL TO SHOW HEADS OR OTHER BREEDERS! Pups to people who deserve em!


All My opinion, been in the company of the man although not direct, heard the stories, I am not a child!!!



Thank fully seen this thread while away by using friends PC, may have missed it as I am away for a weekend with terriers, not all great workers, decent, get you by and odd good un that were bred amongst a close circle and remain in a close circle, never been in a show ring neither!!


good hunting and digging to all you genuine lads, youngsters, 1 lesson in life we all have to learn when growing up, dont believe all you hear, dont believe what you see, unless its in the field/hole, then you see whats what!!


And the above is not to slag individuals as they maybe nice genuine people out side the working terrier world, its slagging their beliefs, lies, morals and principles in MY WORLD!!



it carnt be true ive bought all his books



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i deleted my earlier post because i know how much he is respected i also respect him hes a gent and been kind to me so i wouldnt disrespect him on here but i know how bitchy the terrier world is ......but like i said dave harcombe as been kind to me and dont even know me so he has my uttmost respect :thumbs:

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  On 20/01/2013 at 19:51, rob84 said:
  On 20/01/2013 at 19:32, foy said:

well, where do I start! firstly within these posts a term is used midnight, this is a rhyme word used for midnight mass rhymes with grass!! Anyone want to clear the air regarding the story between him and his son!!


Secondly many of the stories regarding days out are fabricated as I know people who have been present! They to are embarrassed!! Yes I respect any person of his age who gets out and continues to support their sport, however, double standards and lies in any sport or walk of life I cant accept! Its not needed, truth is truth, breeding off none workers, showing, keeping failures and breeding off them is a no no, IMO!


For example, and here is a cracker, Mr Harcombe calls himself a nationalist, he openly admits to supporting the BNP, which is his choice and I respect his choice, too many times he brings this into HIS MAGAZINE which I dont agree with, but like all he wants to broad cast in HIS MAG he can!


Also it is said he doesn't support breeding for shows/selling pups for monitory gain, well lets here the defences to this, he deals himself and his close GOD JASON with (pups) with a foreign person who is clearly none white! (double standards! or does this not count when making money) This person, a Belgium, is a prolific dog breeder and seller of pups and have a guess who he promotes? Yes Harcombe Powell and Gordon, like Mr Hacombe does in HIS MAG!


We had the lies and kiss the arse of Morris Richards Era, Parksy era, fact of the matter is the magazine is the broadcasting paper for self delivery of THEIR BREEDING AND MONEY MAKING INTERESTS!! How can you slag shows but your closest friend loves them and uses them for glory and money, the word we r looking for is hypocrite!


Their choice, but dont talk shit, dont ruin a magazine with your own agenda, money making. Gordon Mason, breeder and exporter, Jason Powell the same, they breed FROM SO MANY NOT TRIED AND TESTED BITCHES and SELL for huge sums of money for fame, not fame in the field, fame in the ring! And heres a question for all you arse licking disciples, what about the moral welfare of the brood bitches!! Would you breed the arse out of a good loyal working bitch?? Personally any breeding should be planned and needed to conserve, preserve and sustain working lines, and the number 1 rule is DONT SELL!! DONT GIVE OR SELL TO SHOW HEADS OR OTHER BREEDERS! Pups to people who deserve em!


All My opinion, been in the company of the man although not direct, heard the stories, I am not a child!!!



Thank fully seen this thread while away by using friends PC, may have missed it as I am away for a weekend with terriers, not all great workers, decent, get you by and odd good un that were bred amongst a close circle and remain in a close circle, never been in a show ring neither!!


good hunting and digging to all you genuine lads, youngsters, 1 lesson in life we all have to learn when growing up, dont believe all you hear, dont believe what you see, unless its in the field/hole, then you see whats what!!


And the above is not to slag individuals as they maybe nice genuine people out side the working terrier world, its slagging their beliefs, lies, morals and principles in MY WORLD!!





Possibly the greatest load of shit ever written on THL.

  On 20/01/2013 at 19:51, rob84 said:
  On 20/01/2013 at 19:32, foy said:

well, where do I start! firstly within these posts a term is used midnight, this is a rhyme word used for midnight mass rhymes with grass!! Anyone want to clear the air regarding the story between him and his son!!


Secondly many of the stories regarding days out are fabricated as I know people who have been present! They to are embarrassed!! Yes I respect any person of his age who gets out and continues to support their sport, however, double standards and lies in any sport or walk of life I cant accept! Its not needed, truth is truth, breeding off none workers, showing, keeping failures and breeding off them is a no no, IMO!


For example, and here is a cracker, Mr Harcombe calls himself a nationalist, he openly admits to supporting the BNP, which is his choice and I respect his choice, too many times he brings this into HIS MAGAZINE which I dont agree with, but like all he wants to broad cast in HIS MAG he can!


Also it is said he doesn't support breeding for shows/selling pups for monitory gain, well lets here the defences to this, he deals himself and his close GOD JASON with (pups) with a foreign person who is clearly none white! (double standards! or does this not count when making money) This person, a Belgium, is a prolific dog breeder and seller of pups and have a guess who he promotes? Yes Harcombe Powell and Gordon, like Mr Hacombe does in HIS MAG!


We had the lies and kiss the arse of Morris Richards Era, Parksy era, fact of the matter is the magazine is the broadcasting paper for self delivery of THEIR BREEDING AND MONEY MAKING INTERESTS!! How can you slag shows but your closest friend loves them and uses them for glory and money, the word we r looking for is hypocrite!


Their choice, but dont talk shit, dont ruin a magazine with your own agenda, money making. Gordon Mason, breeder and exporter, Jason Powell the same, they breed FROM SO MANY NOT TRIED AND TESTED BITCHES and SELL for huge sums of money for fame, not fame in the field, fame in the ring! And heres a question for all you arse licking disciples, what about the moral welfare of the brood bitches!! Would you breed the arse out of a good loyal working bitch?? Personally any breeding should be planned and needed to conserve, preserve and sustain working lines, and the number 1 rule is DONT SELL!! DONT GIVE OR SELL TO SHOW HEADS OR OTHER BREEDERS! Pups to people who deserve em!


All My opinion, been in the company of the man although not direct, heard the stories, I am not a child!!!



Thank fully seen this thread while away by using friends PC, may have missed it as I am away for a weekend with terriers, not all great workers, decent, get you by and odd good un that were bred amongst a close circle and remain in a close circle, never been in a show ring neither!!


good hunting and digging to all you genuine lads, youngsters, 1 lesson in life we all have to learn when growing up, dont believe all you hear, dont believe what you see, unless its in the field/hole, then you see whats what!!


And the above is not to slag individuals as they maybe nice genuine people out side the working terrier world, its slagging their beliefs, lies, morals and principles in MY WORLD!!





Possibly the greatest load of shit ever written on THL.

  On 20/01/2013 at 19:51, rob84 said:
  On 20/01/2013 at 19:32, foy said:

well, where do I start! firstly within these posts a term is used midnight, this is a rhyme word used for midnight mass rhymes with grass!! Anyone want to clear the air regarding the story between him and his son!!


Secondly many of the stories regarding days out are fabricated as I know people who have been present! They to are embarrassed!! Yes I respect any person of his age who gets out and continues to support their sport, however, double standards and lies in any sport or walk of life I cant accept! Its not needed, truth is truth, breeding off none workers, showing, keeping failures and breeding off them is a no no, IMO!


For example, and here is a cracker, Mr Harcombe calls himself a nationalist, he openly admits to supporting the BNP, which is his choice and I respect his choice, too many times he brings this into HIS MAGAZINE which I dont agree with, but like all he wants to broad cast in HIS MAG he can!


Also it is said he doesn't support breeding for shows/selling pups for monitory gain, well lets here the defences to this, he deals himself and his close GOD JASON with (pups) with a foreign person who is clearly none white! (double standards! or does this not count when making money) This person, a Belgium, is a prolific dog breeder and seller of pups and have a guess who he promotes? Yes Harcombe Powell and Gordon, like Mr Hacombe does in HIS MAG!


We had the lies and kiss the arse of Morris Richards Era, Parksy era, fact of the matter is the magazine is the broadcasting paper for self delivery of THEIR BREEDING AND MONEY MAKING INTERESTS!! How can you slag shows but your closest friend loves them and uses them for glory and money, the word we r looking for is hypocrite!


Their choice, but dont talk shit, dont ruin a magazine with your own agenda, money making. Gordon Mason, breeder and exporter, Jason Powell the same, they breed FROM SO MANY NOT TRIED AND TESTED BITCHES and SELL for huge sums of money for fame, not fame in the field, fame in the ring! And heres a question for all you arse licking disciples, what about the moral welfare of the brood bitches!! Would you breed the arse out of a good loyal working bitch?? Personally any breeding should be planned and needed to conserve, preserve and sustain working lines, and the number 1 rule is DONT SELL!! DONT GIVE OR SELL TO SHOW HEADS OR OTHER BREEDERS! Pups to people who deserve em!


All My opinion, been in the company of the man although not direct, heard the stories, I am not a child!!!



Thank fully seen this thread while away by using friends PC, may have missed it as I am away for a weekend with terriers, not all great workers, decent, get you by and odd good un that were bred amongst a close circle and remain in a close circle, never been in a show ring neither!!


good hunting and digging to all you genuine lads, youngsters, 1 lesson in life we all have to learn when growing up, dont believe all you hear, dont believe what you see, unless its in the field/hole, then you see whats what!!


And the above is not to slag individuals as they maybe nice genuine people out side the working terrier world, its slagging their beliefs, lies, morals and principles in MY WORLD!!





Possibly the greatest load of shit ever written on THL.

  On 20/01/2013 at 19:51, rob84 said:
  On 20/01/2013 at 19:32, foy said:

well, where do I start! firstly within these posts a term is used midnight, this is a rhyme word used for midnight mass rhymes with grass!! Anyone want to clear the air regarding the story between him and his son!!


Secondly many of the stories regarding days out are fabricated as I know people who have been present! They to are embarrassed!! Yes I respect any person of his age who gets out and continues to support their sport, however, double standards and lies in any sport or walk of life I cant accept! Its not needed, truth is truth, breeding off none workers, showing, keeping failures and breeding off them is a no no, IMO!


For example, and here is a cracker, Mr Harcombe calls himself a nationalist, he openly admits to supporting the BNP, which is his choice and I respect his choice, too many times he brings this into HIS MAGAZINE which I dont agree with, but like all he wants to broad cast in HIS MAG he can!


Also it is said he doesn't support breeding for shows/selling pups for monitory gain, well lets here the defences to this, he deals himself and his close GOD JASON with (pups) with a foreign person who is clearly none white! (double standards! or does this not count when making money) This person, a Belgium, is a prolific dog breeder and seller of pups and have a guess who he promotes? Yes Harcombe Powell and Gordon, like Mr Hacombe does in HIS MAG!


We had the lies and kiss the arse of Morris Richards Era, Parksy era, fact of the matter is the magazine is the broadcasting paper for self delivery of THEIR BREEDING AND MONEY MAKING INTERESTS!! How can you slag shows but your closest friend loves them and uses them for glory and money, the word we r looking for is hypocrite!


Their choice, but dont talk shit, dont ruin a magazine with your own agenda, money making. Gordon Mason, breeder and exporter, Jason Powell the same, they breed FROM SO MANY NOT TRIED AND TESTED BITCHES and SELL for huge sums of money for fame, not fame in the field, fame in the ring! And heres a question for all you arse licking disciples, what about the moral welfare of the brood bitches!! Would you breed the arse out of a good loyal working bitch?? Personally any breeding should be planned and needed to conserve, preserve and sustain working lines, and the number 1 rule is DONT SELL!! DONT GIVE OR SELL TO SHOW HEADS OR OTHER BREEDERS! Pups to people who deserve em!


All My opinion, been in the company of the man although not direct, heard the stories, I am not a child!!!



Thank fully seen this thread while away by using friends PC, may have missed it as I am away for a weekend with terriers, not all great workers, decent, get you by and odd good un that were bred amongst a close circle and remain in a close circle, never been in a show ring neither!!


good hunting and digging to all you genuine lads, youngsters, 1 lesson in life we all have to learn when growing up, dont believe all you hear, dont believe what you see, unless its in the field/hole, then you see whats what!!


And the above is not to slag individuals as they maybe nice genuine people out side the working terrier world, its slagging their beliefs, lies, morals and principles in MY WORLD!!





Possibly the greatest load of shit ever written on THL.

Is it ? i think alot of what foy said is quite true all though he is a nice bloke and easy to like alot of what he doe's is over looked because of his mag and status in the terrier world 1 thing i would like to say what foy missed out is try chucking or handing quarry out to dave and watch his face or watch him jump backward's :laugh:
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  On 20/01/2013 at 20:32, Greenseed said:
  On 20/01/2013 at 19:51, rob84 said:
  On 20/01/2013 at 19:32, foy said:

well, where do I start! firstly within these posts a term is used midnight, this is a rhyme word used for midnight mass rhymes with grass!! Anyone want to clear the air regarding the story between him and his son!!


Secondly many of the stories regarding days out are fabricated as I know people who have been present! They to are embarrassed!! Yes I respect any person of his age who gets out and continues to support their sport, however, double standards and lies in any sport or walk of life I cant accept! Its not needed, truth is truth, breeding off none workers, showing, keeping failures and breeding off them is a no no, IMO!


For example, and here is a cracker, Mr Harcombe calls himself a nationalist, he openly admits to supporting the BNP, which is his choice and I respect his choice, too many times he brings this into HIS MAGAZINE which I dont agree with, but like all he wants to broad cast in HIS MAG he can!


Also it is said he doesn't support breeding for shows/selling pups for monitory gain, well lets here the defences to this, he deals himself and his close GOD JASON with (pups) with a foreign person who is clearly none white! (double standards! or does this not count when making money) This person, a Belgium, is a prolific dog breeder and seller of pups and have a guess who he promotes? Yes Harcombe Powell and Gordon, like Mr Hacombe does in HIS MAG!


We had the lies and kiss the arse of Morris Richards Era, Parksy era, fact of the matter is the magazine is the broadcasting paper for self delivery of THEIR BREEDING AND MONEY MAKING INTERESTS!! How can you slag shows but your closest friend loves them and uses them for glory and money, the word we r looking for is hypocrite!


Their choice, but dont talk shit, dont ruin a magazine with your own agenda, money making. Gordon Mason, breeder and exporter, Jason Powell the same, they breed FROM SO MANY NOT TRIED AND TESTED BITCHES and SELL for huge sums of money for fame, not fame in the field, fame in the ring! And heres a question for all you arse licking disciples, what about the moral welfare of the brood bitches!! Would you breed the arse out of a good loyal working bitch?? Personally any breeding should be planned and needed to conserve, preserve and sustain working lines, and the number 1 rule is DONT SELL!! DONT GIVE OR SELL TO SHOW HEADS OR OTHER BREEDERS! Pups to people who deserve em!


All My opinion, been in the company of the man although not direct, heard the stories, I am not a child!!!



Thank fully seen this thread while away by using friends PC, may have missed it as I am away for a weekend with terriers, not all great workers, decent, get you by and odd good un that were bred amongst a close circle and remain in a close circle, never been in a show ring neither!!


good hunting and digging to all you genuine lads, youngsters, 1 lesson in life we all have to learn when growing up, dont believe all you hear, dont believe what you see, unless its in the field/hole, then you see whats what!!


And the above is not to slag individuals as they maybe nice genuine people out side the working terrier world, its slagging their beliefs, lies, morals and principles in MY WORLD!!





Possibly the greatest load of shit ever written on THL.

  On 20/01/2013 at 19:51, rob84 said:
  On 20/01/2013 at 19:32, foy said:

well, where do I start! firstly within these posts a term is used midnight, this is a rhyme word used for midnight mass rhymes with grass!! Anyone want to clear the air regarding the story between him and his son!!


Secondly many of the stories regarding days out are fabricated as I know people who have been present! They to are embarrassed!! Yes I respect any person of his age who gets out and continues to support their sport, however, double standards and lies in any sport or walk of life I cant accept! Its not needed, truth is truth, breeding off none workers, showing, keeping failures and breeding off them is a no no, IMO!


For example, and here is a cracker, Mr Harcombe calls himself a nationalist, he openly admits to supporting the BNP, which is his choice and I respect his choice, too many times he brings this into HIS MAGAZINE which I dont agree with, but like all he wants to broad cast in HIS MAG he can!


Also it is said he doesn't support breeding for shows/selling pups for monitory gain, well lets here the defences to this, he deals himself and his close GOD JASON with (pups) with a foreign person who is clearly none white! (double standards! or does this not count when making money) This person, a Belgium, is a prolific dog breeder and seller of pups and have a guess who he promotes? Yes Harcombe Powell and Gordon, like Mr Hacombe does in HIS MAG!


We had the lies and kiss the arse of Morris Richards Era, Parksy era, fact of the matter is the magazine is the broadcasting paper for self delivery of THEIR BREEDING AND MONEY MAKING INTERESTS!! How can you slag shows but your closest friend loves them and uses them for glory and money, the word we r looking for is hypocrite!


Their choice, but dont talk shit, dont ruin a magazine with your own agenda, money making. Gordon Mason, breeder and exporter, Jason Powell the same, they breed FROM SO MANY NOT TRIED AND TESTED BITCHES and SELL for huge sums of money for fame, not fame in the field, fame in the ring! And heres a question for all you arse licking disciples, what about the moral welfare of the brood bitches!! Would you breed the arse out of a good loyal working bitch?? Personally any breeding should be planned and needed to conserve, preserve and sustain working lines, and the number 1 rule is DONT SELL!! DONT GIVE OR SELL TO SHOW HEADS OR OTHER BREEDERS! Pups to people who deserve em!


All My opinion, been in the company of the man although not direct, heard the stories, I am not a child!!!



Thank fully seen this thread while away by using friends PC, may have missed it as I am away for a weekend with terriers, not all great workers, decent, get you by and odd good un that were bred amongst a close circle and remain in a close circle, never been in a show ring neither!!


good hunting and digging to all you genuine lads, youngsters, 1 lesson in life we all have to learn when growing up, dont believe all you hear, dont believe what you see, unless its in the field/hole, then you see whats what!!


And the above is not to slag individuals as they maybe nice genuine people out side the working terrier world, its slagging their beliefs, lies, morals and principles in MY WORLD!!





Possibly the greatest load of shit ever written on THL.

  On 20/01/2013 at 19:51, rob84 said:
  On 20/01/2013 at 19:32, foy said:

well, where do I start! firstly within these posts a term is used midnight, this is a rhyme word used for midnight mass rhymes with grass!! Anyone want to clear the air regarding the story between him and his son!!


Secondly many of the stories regarding days out are fabricated as I know people who have been present! They to are embarrassed!! Yes I respect any person of his age who gets out and continues to support their sport, however, double standards and lies in any sport or walk of life I cant accept! Its not needed, truth is truth, breeding off none workers, showing, keeping failures and breeding off them is a no no, IMO!


For example, and here is a cracker, Mr Harcombe calls himself a nationalist, he openly admits to supporting the BNP, which is his choice and I respect his choice, too many times he brings this into HIS MAGAZINE which I dont agree with, but like all he wants to broad cast in HIS MAG he can!


Also it is said he doesn't support breeding for shows/selling pups for monitory gain, well lets here the defences to this, he deals himself and his close GOD JASON with (pups) with a foreign person who is clearly none white! (double standards! or does this not count when making money) This person, a Belgium, is a prolific dog breeder and seller of pups and have a guess who he promotes? Yes Harcombe Powell and Gordon, like Mr Hacombe does in HIS MAG!


We had the lies and kiss the arse of Morris Richards Era, Parksy era, fact of the matter is the magazine is the broadcasting paper for self delivery of THEIR BREEDING AND MONEY MAKING INTERESTS!! How can you slag shows but your closest friend loves them and uses them for glory and money, the word we r looking for is hypocrite!


Their choice, but dont talk shit, dont ruin a magazine with your own agenda, money making. Gordon Mason, breeder and exporter, Jason Powell the same, they breed FROM SO MANY NOT TRIED AND TESTED BITCHES and SELL for huge sums of money for fame, not fame in the field, fame in the ring! And heres a question for all you arse licking disciples, what about the moral welfare of the brood bitches!! Would you breed the arse out of a good loyal working bitch?? Personally any breeding should be planned and needed to conserve, preserve and sustain working lines, and the number 1 rule is DONT SELL!! DONT GIVE OR SELL TO SHOW HEADS OR OTHER BREEDERS! Pups to people who deserve em!


All My opinion, been in the company of the man although not direct, heard the stories, I am not a child!!!



Thank fully seen this thread while away by using friends PC, may have missed it as I am away for a weekend with terriers, not all great workers, decent, get you by and odd good un that were bred amongst a close circle and remain in a close circle, never been in a show ring neither!!


good hunting and digging to all you genuine lads, youngsters, 1 lesson in life we all have to learn when growing up, dont believe all you hear, dont believe what you see, unless its in the field/hole, then you see whats what!!


And the above is not to slag individuals as they maybe nice genuine people out side the working terrier world, its slagging their beliefs, lies, morals and principles in MY WORLD!!





Possibly the greatest load of shit ever written on THL.

  On 20/01/2013 at 19:51, rob84 said:
  On 20/01/2013 at 19:32, foy said:

well, where do I start! firstly within these posts a term is used midnight, this is a rhyme word used for midnight mass rhymes with grass!! Anyone want to clear the air regarding the story between him and his son!!


Secondly many of the stories regarding days out are fabricated as I know people who have been present! They to are embarrassed!! Yes I respect any person of his age who gets out and continues to support their sport, however, double standards and lies in any sport or walk of life I cant accept! Its not needed, truth is truth, breeding off none workers, showing, keeping failures and breeding off them is a no no, IMO!


For example, and here is a cracker, Mr Harcombe calls himself a nationalist, he openly admits to supporting the BNP, which is his choice and I respect his choice, too many times he brings this into HIS MAGAZINE which I dont agree with, but like all he wants to broad cast in HIS MAG he can!


Also it is said he doesn't support breeding for shows/selling pups for monitory gain, well lets here the defences to this, he deals himself and his close GOD JASON with (pups) with a foreign person who is clearly none white! (double standards! or does this not count when making money) This person, a Belgium, is a prolific dog breeder and seller of pups and have a guess who he promotes? Yes Harcombe Powell and Gordon, like Mr Hacombe does in HIS MAG!


We had the lies and kiss the arse of Morris Richards Era, Parksy era, fact of the matter is the magazine is the broadcasting paper for self delivery of THEIR BREEDING AND MONEY MAKING INTERESTS!! How can you slag shows but your closest friend loves them and uses them for glory and money, the word we r looking for is hypocrite!


Their choice, but dont talk shit, dont ruin a magazine with your own agenda, money making. Gordon Mason, breeder and exporter, Jason Powell the same, they breed FROM SO MANY NOT TRIED AND TESTED BITCHES and SELL for huge sums of money for fame, not fame in the field, fame in the ring! And heres a question for all you arse licking disciples, what about the moral welfare of the brood bitches!! Would you breed the arse out of a good loyal working bitch?? Personally any breeding should be planned and needed to conserve, preserve and sustain working lines, and the number 1 rule is DONT SELL!! DONT GIVE OR SELL TO SHOW HEADS OR OTHER BREEDERS! Pups to people who deserve em!


All My opinion, been in the company of the man although not direct, heard the stories, I am not a child!!!



Thank fully seen this thread while away by using friends PC, may have missed it as I am away for a weekend with terriers, not all great workers, decent, get you by and odd good un that were bred amongst a close circle and remain in a close circle, never been in a show ring neither!!


good hunting and digging to all you genuine lads, youngsters, 1 lesson in life we all have to learn when growing up, dont believe all you hear, dont believe what you see, unless its in the field/hole, then you see whats what!!


And the above is not to slag individuals as they maybe nice genuine people out side the working terrier world, its slagging their beliefs, lies, morals and principles in MY WORLD!!





Possibly the greatest load of shit ever written on THL.

Is it ? i think alot of what foy said is quite true all though he is a nice bloke and easy to like alot of what he doe's is over looked because of his mag and status in the terrier world 1 thing i would like to say what foy missed out is try chucking or handing quarry out to dave and watch his face or watch him jump backward's :laugh:



i was told that years ago off an old terrierman, never heard any of the other stuff an only ever read a couple of the mans mags, never read his books, but i heard exact same thing years ago :icon_eek::laugh:

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  On 20/01/2013 at 20:26, satan and todd said:

i deleted my earlier post because i know how much he is respected i also respect him hes a gent and been kind to me so i wouldnt disrespect him on here but i know how bitchy the terrier world is ......but like i said dave harcombe as been kind to me and dont even know me so he has my uttmost respect :thumbs:

  On 20/01/2013 at 20:26, satan and todd said:

i deleted my earlier post because i know how much he is respected i also respect him hes a gent and been kind to me so i wouldnt disrespect him on here but i know how bitchy the terrier world is ......but like i said dave harcombe as been kind to me and dont even know me so he has my uttmost respect :thumbs:

your a ball :tongue2:
  • Like 1
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  On 20/01/2013 at 20:32, Greenseed said:
  On 20/01/2013 at 19:51, rob84 said:
  On 20/01/2013 at 19:32, foy said:

well, where do I start! firstly within these posts a term is used midnight, this is a rhyme word used for midnight mass rhymes with grass!! Anyone want to clear the air regarding the story between him and his son!!


Secondly many of the stories regarding days out are fabricated as I know people who have been present! They to are embarrassed!! Yes I respect any person of his age who gets out and continues to support their sport, however, double standards and lies in any sport or walk of life I cant accept! Its not needed, truth is truth, breeding off none workers, showing, keeping failures and breeding off them is a no no, IMO!


For example, and here is a cracker, Mr Harcombe calls himself a nationalist, he openly admits to supporting the BNP, which is his choice and I respect his choice, too many times he brings this into HIS MAGAZINE which I dont agree with, but like all he wants to broad cast in HIS MAG he can!


Also it is said he doesn't support breeding for shows/selling pups for monitory gain, well lets here the defences to this, he deals himself and his close GOD JASON with (pups) with a foreign person who is clearly none white! (double standards! or does this not count when making money) This person, a Belgium, is a prolific dog breeder and seller of pups and have a guess who he promotes? Yes Harcombe Powell and Gordon, like Mr Hacombe does in HIS MAG!


We had the lies and kiss the arse of Morris Richards Era, Parksy era, fact of the matter is the magazine is the broadcasting paper for self delivery of THEIR BREEDING AND MONEY MAKING INTERESTS!! How can you slag shows but your closest friend loves them and uses them for glory and money, the word we r looking for is hypocrite!


Their choice, but dont talk shit, dont ruin a magazine with your own agenda, money making. Gordon Mason, breeder and exporter, Jason Powell the same, they breed FROM SO MANY NOT TRIED AND TESTED BITCHES and SELL for huge sums of money for fame, not fame in the field, fame in the ring! And heres a question for all you arse licking disciples, what about the moral welfare of the brood bitches!! Would you breed the arse out of a good loyal working bitch?? Personally any breeding should be planned and needed to conserve, preserve and sustain working lines, and the number 1 rule is DONT SELL!! DONT GIVE OR SELL TO SHOW HEADS OR OTHER BREEDERS! Pups to people who deserve em!


All My opinion, been in the company of the man although not direct, heard the stories, I am not a child!!!



Thank fully seen this thread while away by using friends PC, may have missed it as I am away for a weekend with terriers, not all great workers, decent, get you by and odd good un that were bred amongst a close circle and remain in a close circle, never been in a show ring neither!!


good hunting and digging to all you genuine lads, youngsters, 1 lesson in life we all have to learn when growing up, dont believe all you hear, dont believe what you see, unless its in the field/hole, then you see whats what!!


And the above is not to slag individuals as they maybe nice genuine people out side the working terrier world, its slagging their beliefs, lies, morals and principles in MY WORLD!!





Possibly the greatest load of shit ever written on THL.

  On 20/01/2013 at 19:51, rob84 said:
  On 20/01/2013 at 19:32, foy said:

well, where do I start! firstly within these posts a term is used midnight, this is a rhyme word used for midnight mass rhymes with grass!! Anyone want to clear the air regarding the story between him and his son!!


Secondly many of the stories regarding days out are fabricated as I know people who have been present! They to are embarrassed!! Yes I respect any person of his age who gets out and continues to support their sport, however, double standards and lies in any sport or walk of life I cant accept! Its not needed, truth is truth, breeding off none workers, showing, keeping failures and breeding off them is a no no, IMO!


For example, and here is a cracker, Mr Harcombe calls himself a nationalist, he openly admits to supporting the BNP, which is his choice and I respect his choice, too many times he brings this into HIS MAGAZINE which I dont agree with, but like all he wants to broad cast in HIS MAG he can!


Also it is said he doesn't support breeding for shows/selling pups for monitory gain, well lets here the defences to this, he deals himself and his close GOD JASON with (pups) with a foreign person who is clearly none white! (double standards! or does this not count when making money) This person, a Belgium, is a prolific dog breeder and seller of pups and have a guess who he promotes? Yes Harcombe Powell and Gordon, like Mr Hacombe does in HIS MAG!


We had the lies and kiss the arse of Morris Richards Era, Parksy era, fact of the matter is the magazine is the broadcasting paper for self delivery of THEIR BREEDING AND MONEY MAKING INTERESTS!! How can you slag shows but your closest friend loves them and uses them for glory and money, the word we r looking for is hypocrite!


Their choice, but dont talk shit, dont ruin a magazine with your own agenda, money making. Gordon Mason, breeder and exporter, Jason Powell the same, they breed FROM SO MANY NOT TRIED AND TESTED BITCHES and SELL for huge sums of money for fame, not fame in the field, fame in the ring! And heres a question for all you arse licking disciples, what about the moral welfare of the brood bitches!! Would you breed the arse out of a good loyal working bitch?? Personally any breeding should be planned and needed to conserve, preserve and sustain working lines, and the number 1 rule is DONT SELL!! DONT GIVE OR SELL TO SHOW HEADS OR OTHER BREEDERS! Pups to people who deserve em!


All My opinion, been in the company of the man although not direct, heard the stories, I am not a child!!!



Thank fully seen this thread while away by using friends PC, may have missed it as I am away for a weekend with terriers, not all great workers, decent, get you by and odd good un that were bred amongst a close circle and remain in a close circle, never been in a show ring neither!!


good hunting and digging to all you genuine lads, youngsters, 1 lesson in life we all have to learn when growing up, dont believe all you hear, dont believe what you see, unless its in the field/hole, then you see whats what!!


And the above is not to slag individuals as they maybe nice genuine people out side the working terrier world, its slagging their beliefs, lies, morals and principles in MY WORLD!!





Possibly the greatest load of shit ever written on THL.

  On 20/01/2013 at 19:51, rob84 said:
  On 20/01/2013 at 19:32, foy said:

well, where do I start! firstly within these posts a term is used midnight, this is a rhyme word used for midnight mass rhymes with grass!! Anyone want to clear the air regarding the story between him and his son!!


Secondly many of the stories regarding days out are fabricated as I know people who have been present! They to are embarrassed!! Yes I respect any person of his age who gets out and continues to support their sport, however, double standards and lies in any sport or walk of life I cant accept! Its not needed, truth is truth, breeding off none workers, showing, keeping failures and breeding off them is a no no, IMO!


For example, and here is a cracker, Mr Harcombe calls himself a nationalist, he openly admits to supporting the BNP, which is his choice and I respect his choice, too many times he brings this into HIS MAGAZINE which I dont agree with, but like all he wants to broad cast in HIS MAG he can!


Also it is said he doesn't support breeding for shows/selling pups for monitory gain, well lets here the defences to this, he deals himself and his close GOD JASON with (pups) with a foreign person who is clearly none white! (double standards! or does this not count when making money) This person, a Belgium, is a prolific dog breeder and seller of pups and have a guess who he promotes? Yes Harcombe Powell and Gordon, like Mr Hacombe does in HIS MAG!


We had the lies and kiss the arse of Morris Richards Era, Parksy era, fact of the matter is the magazine is the broadcasting paper for self delivery of THEIR BREEDING AND MONEY MAKING INTERESTS!! How can you slag shows but your closest friend loves them and uses them for glory and money, the word we r looking for is hypocrite!


Their choice, but dont talk shit, dont ruin a magazine with your own agenda, money making. Gordon Mason, breeder and exporter, Jason Powell the same, they breed FROM SO MANY NOT TRIED AND TESTED BITCHES and SELL for huge sums of money for fame, not fame in the field, fame in the ring! And heres a question for all you arse licking disciples, what about the moral welfare of the brood bitches!! Would you breed the arse out of a good loyal working bitch?? Personally any breeding should be planned and needed to conserve, preserve and sustain working lines, and the number 1 rule is DONT SELL!! DONT GIVE OR SELL TO SHOW HEADS OR OTHER BREEDERS! Pups to people who deserve em!


All My opinion, been in the company of the man although not direct, heard the stories, I am not a child!!!



Thank fully seen this thread while away by using friends PC, may have missed it as I am away for a weekend with terriers, not all great workers, decent, get you by and odd good un that were bred amongst a close circle and remain in a close circle, never been in a show ring neither!!


good hunting and digging to all you genuine lads, youngsters, 1 lesson in life we all have to learn when growing up, dont believe all you hear, dont believe what you see, unless its in the field/hole, then you see whats what!!


And the above is not to slag individuals as they maybe nice genuine people out side the working terrier world, its slagging their beliefs, lies, morals and principles in MY WORLD!!





Possibly the greatest load of shit ever written on THL.

  On 20/01/2013 at 19:51, rob84 said:
  On 20/01/2013 at 19:32, foy said:

well, where do I start! firstly within these posts a term is used midnight, this is a rhyme word used for midnight mass rhymes with grass!! Anyone want to clear the air regarding the story between him and his son!!


Secondly many of the stories regarding days out are fabricated as I know people who have been present! They to are embarrassed!! Yes I respect any person of his age who gets out and continues to support their sport, however, double standards and lies in any sport or walk of life I cant accept! Its not needed, truth is truth, breeding off none workers, showing, keeping failures and breeding off them is a no no, IMO!


For example, and here is a cracker, Mr Harcombe calls himself a nationalist, he openly admits to supporting the BNP, which is his choice and I respect his choice, too many times he brings this into HIS MAGAZINE which I dont agree with, but like all he wants to broad cast in HIS MAG he can!


Also it is said he doesn't support breeding for shows/selling pups for monitory gain, well lets here the defences to this, he deals himself and his close GOD JASON with (pups) with a foreign person who is clearly none white! (double standards! or does this not count when making money) This person, a Belgium, is a prolific dog breeder and seller of pups and have a guess who he promotes? Yes Harcombe Powell and Gordon, like Mr Hacombe does in HIS MAG!


We had the lies and kiss the arse of Morris Richards Era, Parksy era, fact of the matter is the magazine is the broadcasting paper for self delivery of THEIR BREEDING AND MONEY MAKING INTERESTS!! How can you slag shows but your closest friend loves them and uses them for glory and money, the word we r looking for is hypocrite!


Their choice, but dont talk shit, dont ruin a magazine with your own agenda, money making. Gordon Mason, breeder and exporter, Jason Powell the same, they breed FROM SO MANY NOT TRIED AND TESTED BITCHES and SELL for huge sums of money for fame, not fame in the field, fame in the ring! And heres a question for all you arse licking disciples, what about the moral welfare of the brood bitches!! Would you breed the arse out of a good loyal working bitch?? Personally any breeding should be planned and needed to conserve, preserve and sustain working lines, and the number 1 rule is DONT SELL!! DONT GIVE OR SELL TO SHOW HEADS OR OTHER BREEDERS! Pups to people who deserve em!


All My opinion, been in the company of the man although not direct, heard the stories, I am not a child!!!



Thank fully seen this thread while away by using friends PC, may have missed it as I am away for a weekend with terriers, not all great workers, decent, get you by and odd good un that were bred amongst a close circle and remain in a close circle, never been in a show ring neither!!


good hunting and digging to all you genuine lads, youngsters, 1 lesson in life we all have to learn when growing up, dont believe all you hear, dont believe what you see, unless its in the field/hole, then you see whats what!!


And the above is not to slag individuals as they maybe nice genuine people out side the working terrier world, its slagging their beliefs, lies, morals and principles in MY WORLD!!





Possibly the greatest load of shit ever written on THL.

Is it ? i think alot of what foy said is quite true all though he is a nice bloke and easy to like alot of what he doe's is over looked because of his mag and status in the terrier world 1 thing i would like to say what foy missed out is try chucking or handing quarry out to dave and watch his face or watch him jump backward's :laugh:

chuck it to me pal ile show ye a thing a two about handling quarry feller without a doubt fact ile do his for him lol :laugh::boogy::yes:
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