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dave harcombe

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IMO In this country we are starved of literature on hunting .On the continent or USA its readily available in every magazine rack .Loads of moaners on here but no one willing to take up the pen .We Brits are very quick to critisize but very slow to do f**k all about it .Harcombe may use a bit of poetic license but who dosnt ,as long as its based on the truth . He has my respect for standing up for his beliefs and putting most down on paper .There are those that have slammed G Mason publically but a nicer man you would be hard pressed to meet or dig with IMO and a damn good dog breeder with a forward thinking plan based on results .Many black terrier lines owe at least a trace to his line at present as well as Powells .These men are out there doing week in week out which is more than can be said for most on here .

Very easy to pick holes in a mans lifestyle from a computer .

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Any man who is still out twice a week at his age, deserves a bit of respect IMHO I hope im still half as keen as him at his age

The bloke is doing what he loves and shares it with all and sundry via the odd book and article. No doubt he has to be careful what exact words get written, but seems to be a que of other lads in the

slate jasons line asmuch as you like but no other line in the country works and throws workers as consistantly as his at this moment in time, FACT!!! now thats a bold statement.. pinch of salt is re

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Just for the record, like I said I don't know the man, don't know nowt about him other than what iv read that he has wrote. Iv no opinion on him or his mutts. The post before mine said he was best writer about, I was told same and bought a few books. After reading them I don't know nor care if he adds a little or exaggerates a tad. Al I said was I think there are better writers out there. I think Darcy is better. When he won't filling book with photo's lol I'll wait for a knight to come up Darcy's rescue now lol no again I wanna make it clear. Iv nowt against the man, not now nor never will. If I am still able to get out at his age I'll be happy. I honestly wish the man atb, but I won't buy any more of his books

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  On 15/01/2014 at 22:53, gonetoearth said:

Fook me there books for fooks sake there aint a book on earth thats tells the truth its human nature to embellish one mans version Of events Differs from another writing is an art some have it some dont Sean frain springs to mind.

i like a book that takes you there ----seans books just dont do it plummers books did -------take em all with a large pinch of salt and enjoy them for what they are the only one`s that dont do it for me are the interview type books .....

Edited by the_stig
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  On 15/01/2014 at 23:28, gonetoearth said:

Some books capture the imagination stig some are hard work plummer was good i agree , My all time fave field sport related is kenzi the wild goose man

i`ll look out for it .... :thumbs: get past all the shit and in my younger days i could`nt put a plummer book down i remember one coming from tideline on a saturday morning i opened it and read it in one hit ...

Edited by the_stig
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  On 16/01/2014 at 00:33, the_stig said:


  On 15/01/2014 at 23:28, gonetoearth said:

Some books capture the imagination stig some are hard work plummer was good i agree , My all time fave field sport related is kenzi the wild goose man


i`ll look out for it .... :thumbs: get past all the shit and in my younger days i could`nt put a plummer book down i remember one coming from tideline on a saturday morning i opened it and read it in one hit ...

I usually read most Lurcher/Terrier books in one hit otherwise I forget what I've already read if a day or two passes.....lol
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  On 16/01/2014 at 00:42, lucky said:


  On 16/01/2014 at 00:33, the_stig said:


  On 15/01/2014 at 23:28, gonetoearth said:

Some books capture the imagination stig some are hard work plummer was good i agree , My all time fave field sport related is kenzi the wild goose man

i`ll look out for it .... :thumbs: get past all the shit and in my younger days i could`nt put a plummer book down i remember one coming from tideline on a saturday morning i opened it and read it in one hit ...
I usually read most Lurcher/Terrier books in one hit otherwise I forget what I've already read if a day or two passes.....lol


had a couple that hav`nt grabbed me in the first few pages and i`ve put them down and not picked them up again ...

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I read one just like that aswell, think it was a Frain book, I read the first couple of chapters but all I could see was how obsessed the author was about Middleton it was none stop arse licking, pure fire lighting material.

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I take my hat of to anyone that has got a talent for writing about field sports espesicially terrier work. It must be hard writing about the same thing month in month out and still managing to transport many people there through their words , so they feel like they heard the hounds sing or it was there back that was hurting after a long dig. Ok most books or mags can get repetitive and some might get bored and some are better than others at writing but I love working dogs and fielsports so for me I will always enjoy reading about it JMHO .

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  On 16/01/2014 at 09:51, marshman said:

I take my hat of to anyone that has got a talent for writing about field sports espesicially terrier work. It must be hard writing about the same thing month in month out and still managing to transport many people there through their words , so they feel like they heard the hounds sing or it was there back that was hurting after a long dig. Ok most books or mags can get repetitive and some might get bored and some are better than others at writing but I love working dogs and fielsports so for me I will always enjoy reading about it JMHO .

i`ve tried got half way through and ran out of material did`nt want to bulk it out with pictures and bullshit so its on the back burner for now..... :D and i got bored writing it i think you`ve got to have a real passion for writing if your doing it for the money i think it shows you`ve got to have your own style and in the world of terrier books some people have tried to mimic others and failed ...for me the passion was`nt there and i found it a chore....

Edited by the_stig
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