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dave harcombe

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One other thing he did over 20 years ago was help get a suitable outcross for a line that had been going in Ireland since the 60's (and still is). This was the Sealyham type dog Tip that was sent over by MR for nothing. I think Hardcombe's facilitation fee was £750,000, oh no actually he just set it up because he cares about stuff like that. I'm sure himself and the magazine helped that happen many times before and after the internet. Hard to put a value on things like that?



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Any man who is still out twice a week at his age, deserves a bit of respect IMHO I hope im still half as keen as him at his age

The bloke is doing what he loves and shares it with all and sundry via the odd book and article. No doubt he has to be careful what exact words get written, but seems to be a que of other lads in the

slate jasons line asmuch as you like but no other line in the country works and throws workers as consistantly as his at this moment in time, FACT!!! now thats a bold statement.. pinch of salt is re

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I keep seeing people write about how much he has done for terriers and terrierwork.Would anyone be kind enough to explain what hes done apart from edit a mag and write some books.


Before the internet was invented he provided a forum like this that was the sole outlet to discuss terrier and lurcher work. He kept people up to date on each and every threat to hunting especially with terriers and lurchers when no one else was interested.


I've only ever met him in Vegas at the high roller tables throwing down some of his vast fortune, no not really . I can't imagine he's made much money from selling a few hundred magazines a month but i'm sure the experts on here will no better.

had a giggle there picturing him kissing the dice with two blondes one on each arm , but a very valid and fair comment bryan but still think mine was a valid one as well running a man down knowing he has no way of defending himself against it that is hardly being kind to a fellow terrierman who at the end of the day is the type he aims his mag at and he depends on the ordinary terrierman lurcherman to keep him doing what he s dos !
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doesnt matter who has done what as soon as its posted on the net the slagging brigade come out of there hidden caves

weather it be harcombe,nuttall or gould etc theres allways someone with a bitter pil slagging them off.


Hasnt anyone got anything better to do apart from bitch and slag like little fcuking girls.


Half of you slags have done fcuk all in the world of the working terrier and thats ME included


Get a f*****g grip FFS

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doesnt matter who has done what as soon as its posted on the net the slagging brigade come out of there hidden caves

weather it be harcombe,nuttall or gould etc theres allways someone with a bitter pil slagging them off.


Hasnt anyone got anything better to do apart from bitch and slag like little fcuking girls.


Half of you slags have done fcuk all in the world of the working terrier and thats ME included


Get a f*****g grip FFS

doesnt matter who has done what as soon as its posted on the net the slagging brigade come out of there hidden caves

weather it be harcombe,nuttall or gould etc theres allways someone with a bitter pil slagging them off.


Hasnt anyone got anything better to do apart from bitch and slag like little fcuking girls.


Half of you slags have done fcuk all in the world of the working terrier and thats ME included


Get a f*****g grip FFS

It's a forum everybody has a different opinion some you will like some you wont get over it mate :thumbs:
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One other thing he did over 20 years ago was help get a suitable outcross for a line that had been going in Ireland since the 60's (and still is). This was the Sealyham type dog Tip that was sent over by MR for nothing. I think Hardcombe's facilitation fee was £750,000, oh no actually he just set it up because he cares about stuff like that. I'm sure himself and the magazine helped that happen many times before and after the internet. Hard to put a value on things like that?



bryan there s men been doing that unkown to the masses for years up and down the country only thing they wanted was honest dogs to do honest days work with maybe a weekends digging and few beers at each other s place through out a season and your right money dos nt come into things like that how many dogs came to ireland for a weekends digging and never made ferry home stayed in ireland and have there blood in a lot of the dogs being dug today there was a few well know dogs but just as many that had no big name just bred close among friends to get a few workers
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One other thing he did over 20 years ago was help get a suitable outcross for a line that had been going in Ireland since the 60's (and still is). This was the Sealyham type dog Tip that was sent over by MR for nothing. I think Hardcombe's facilitation fee was £750,000, oh no actually he just set it up because he cares about stuff like that. I'm sure himself and the magazine helped that happen many times before and after the internet. Hard to put a value on things like that?



thought that was a good article and some good pics nothsider had in the edrd this month, the dogs in this article come from this outcross, MR B still looking good.
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thers opinions and theres slags

you lot are slags

if it wasnt for these well known men nobody would have terriers in the first fcuking place


slag slag slag my dogs better than yours


a bunch of cnunts

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thers opinions and theres slags

you lot are slags

if it wasnt for these well known men nobody would have terriers in the first fcuking place


slag slag slag my dogs better than yours


a bunch of cnunts



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thers opinions and theres slags

you lot are slags

if it wasnt for these well known men nobody would have terriers in the first fcuking place


slag slag slag my dogs better than yours


a bunch of cnunts ,oh thts very nice now is it lol

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tuffty get a fcuking grip without these well known lads !were the fcuk do you think they got there dogs out of a fcuking kinder egg it was the simple man with simple values that made the terrier the dog it is today and the best terriers today are to be found in the yards of the lads who want working dogs for no one only themselves you ll not see these lads getting slagged on the net cause most people dont even know they keep dogs only the lads like themselves will know !

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thers opinions and theres slags

you lot are slags

if it wasnt for these well known men nobody would have terriers in the first fcuking place


slag slag slag my dogs better than yours


a bunch of cnunts

thers opinions and theres slags

you lot are slags

if it wasnt for these well known men nobody would have terriers in the first fcuking place


slag slag slag my dogs better than yours


a bunch of cnunts

:laugh: :laugh: that time of the month is it
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tuffty get a fcuking grip without these well known lads !were the fcuk do you think they got there dogs out of a fcuking kinder egg it was the simple man with simple values that made the terrier the dog it is today and the best terriers today are to be found in the yards of the lads who want working dogs for no one only themselves you ll not see these lads getting slagged on the net cause most people dont even know they keep dogs only the lads like themselves will know !

me get a grip? you lot need to get a grip and grow up keep on slagging all the time


simple men with simple values


you hit the nail on the head with that one deemac

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simple men with simple values can have two meanings in my post tuffty here today gone tomorrow terriermen will take it the wrong way and laugh at the picture of a stupid person who has nt a clue walking about in there own empty head and then some will see it the way it was meant 9 out of ten of them will be decent dog lads which one are you tuffty ?

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