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sexing ferts?

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how long should i leave my kits before i have a look at them? they will be a week old this friday, ive had a look at them there seems to be between 6 and 9, but not touched them and the jill is fine with me looking at them, although i only do this when she isnt in with them, but she is friendly enough when i clean her out etc.

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how long should i leave my kits before i have a look at them? they will be a week old this friday, ive had a look at them there seems to be between 6 and 9, but not touched them and the jill is fine with me looking at them, although i only do this when she isnt in with them, but she is friendly enough when i clean her out etc.


Just leave her till the weekend, as she is not nipping you & you can have a quick look then :)

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F L - same question , but mine are 3 weeks now and i still have,nt sexed them , what should i do Kay , wait another week or just go for it .




If the jills ok go for it now ,if you look half way up the belly & see a little bump thats a hob,if there is no bump its a jill :laugh:

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F L - same question , but mine are 3 weeks now and i still have,nt sexed them , what should i do Kay , wait another week or just go for it .




If the jills ok go for it now ,if you look half way up the belly & see a little bump thats a hob,if there is no bump its a jill :laugh:


:laugh::laugh: Or if the kit has two bums she's a jill :laugh::laugh:

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F L - same question , but mine are 3 weeks now and i still have,nt sexed them , what should i do Kay , wait another week or just go for it .




If the jills ok go for it now ,if you look half way up the belly & see a little bump thats a hob,if there is no bump its a jill :laugh:


:laugh::laugh: Or if the kit has two bums she's a jill :laugh::laugh:



What a front bottom & a back bottom you mean :laugh::laugh:

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:( shes still very protective over them , although i get her out 3 times a day .

she runs round , into everything , like shes looking for food OR escape :cry:

i pick her and shes seems hyped up and will nip ,


BUT on saying that , she was great when i first got ( before the kitts arrived ) could put my finger in her mouth no probs , handling was great .

i hope to god returns back to her calm self :no:



Darren .

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:( shes still very protective over them , although i get her out 3 times a day .

she runs round , into everything , like shes looking for food OR escape :cry:

i pick her and shes seems hyped up and will nip ,


BUT on saying that , she was great when i first got ( before the kitts arrived ) could put my finger in her mouth no probs , handling was great .

i hope to god returns back to her calm self :no:



Darren .


Darren when you say she is running in to everything do you mean she is actually running into things as if she has lost her sight ?

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no sorry -- i meant inquisative ( sp ), like shes looking for something . sites good and smells good too .

when i feed her she sometimes stores it in a peice of drain pipe like shes stock pileing , but shes only started doing that this week :hmm: .


i,m sure she will be fine ( hopefully ) seems just a bit frantic , wont hold still in my hands like she used to , trys to nip me so i put her down .

maybe just her hormones :icon_eek: i dont know .

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no sorry -- i meant inquisative ( sp ), like shes looking for something . sites good and smells good too .

when i feed her she sometimes stores it in a peice of drain pipe like shes stock pileing , but shes only started doing that this week :hmm: .


i,m sure she will be fine ( hopefully ) seems just a bit frantic , wont hold still in my hands like she used to , trys to nip me so i put her down .

maybe just her hormones :icon_eek: i dont know .


she justs wants to get back to her babys :)

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had a quick look in the nest box , watched them rolling around , they are sooooo cute , there all different shades of polecat theres at least one of each sex :) , and some are bigger than others ie head sizes fullness , i,m guess these may me male .

i hope there mostly females :clapper: i want to keep 2 jills for myself .


re sexing -- will try and do it tomoorow night after work


just had the jill out again for some handling not so nippy , but she did try and leg it out the garden :icon_eek: maybe shes just exploring .


RE -- food hording , is she collecting it for the kitts or am i feeding her too much , on saying that she seems to have a good appetite ...



thanks all

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