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Dental Pain - after a filling :(

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Not long back from the butcher - ahem i mean dentist. And least to say im in pain and alot of pain at that. Had to go get a filling on the bottom, now i was there last week too and didnt have any pain afterward. Argh the numbing has wore off and its excruciating, my whole jaw is aching. The filling is white and i read somewhere that them ones shrink and can move teeth. If it dosnt ease in an hour ill ring the dentist. Its the first time ive ever came away from the dentist in real aching pain. Have any of yous had this problem after a silly wee filling?

Ive took painkillers - (Tramadol and CoCodamol) and still the pain is there :cray:

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you need some of scents special salty mouth wash lol

ibprufen or whatever its called.

sounds like they have trapped or hit the nerve...................i hate tooth aches,,,,,fooking annoying

Well ive smoking and drinking coffee from ive been back - but i asked dentist if it was ok and she said yes. Had ibuprofen before i went to dentist - so ive had that, paracetamol, codeine and tramadol. Dont like to take aspirin so thats not really an option.

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sounds like they have trapped or hit the nerve...................i hate tooth aches,,,,,fooking annoying :cray:

Its funny you say that - when she was drilling i could feel nerve like pain, told her i could feel it but told her to carry on as i wanted it over with asap tbh so maybe drilled too far?
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sounds like they have trapped or hit the nerve...................i hate tooth aches,,,,,fooking annoying :cray:

Its funny you say that - when she was drilling i could feel nerve like pain, told her i could feel it but told her to carry on as i wanted it over with asap tbh so maybe drilled too far?

see how it goes and get back on to them if no good.................................................. :angry2:
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Will do, just thought it odd because its never happened before. That other dental assistant biatch near ripped out my tongue bar with the hoover thingy too, imagine she she had of - dearo a main vein runs up underneath the tongue :icon_eek:

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Last time I was at dentist I fainted and hit my head on fire extinguisher! Got two teeth out went to pay for it next thing I knew I was looking at ceiling with a sore head!


Never been back since and not looking forward to it!!


Take painkillers if not any better later on get back to the dentist as don't want it being closed and it being too sore later tonight!


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dont like tooth ache

had an operation last year, where she went into do nerve endings

just above my front teeth, had to go in through the gum then through the bone

an hour in the chair and 27 stiches later

she wanted to put me asleep, f**k that the pull lumps out of you when your asleep

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Will do, just thought it odd because its never happened before. That other dental assistant biatch near ripped out my tongue bar with the hoover thingy too, imagine she she had of - dearo a main vein runs up underneath the tongue :icon_eek:


you got your tongue pierced?

when i was having my tattoo done the other day

i watched a young bird had her tongue done

when they put that clamp on she had a tongue like a cow

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Will do, just thought it odd because its never happened before. That other dental assistant biatch near ripped out my tongue bar with the hoover thingy too, imagine she she had of - dearo a main vein runs up underneath the tongue :icon_eek:


you got your tongue pierced?

when i was having my tattoo done the other day

i watched a young bird had her tongue done

when they put that clamp on she had a tongue like a cow

got it done when i was 14 .. couldnt be without it now .lol. i had to hold my own clamp when he pierced it.


God love ye having to go through that shite with your mouth. my fella had teeth pulled too, but he got a drip in his arm. He was aching for 2 weeks after it.

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