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Graham Warning!

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Warning one the Graham brothers appears to be back again. Operating under the alias of michaeljays on the Airgun Forum. Email is michaeljays2012@hotmail.co.uk, so if you want to help the anti scam please join up loads of junk mail websites so he gets deluged with sensational offers for viagra, nigerian wives, double glazing, car loans etc....


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Is that the same guy who was selling rifles.?


Yes it was him his brother and some 'woman' one or possibly both of them had dipped their wick in. Rifles, fishing gear and cameras to name just a few of the items they pretend to have for sale. c**ts

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Because to keep the reported number of crimes down the police list this as a civil matter. Unlike dealing with yourself (Mary's Twink now sits on the S200, works well sire) these scammers are always after the easy pound. But I predict a very different outcome in ripping off the people who go fishing, If they take a load off a guy who is seriously into carp fishing they are going to be in the pile. Fishing licenses are just a license to access waterways inland to fish. Anglers have high power catties (launching groundbait), priests (dispatching last rites to the evil Zander), an assortment of hooks, lures, steel wire and enough funny bait additives to turn a goat green...


Furthermore anglers tend to belong to clubs (access to certain waterways etc), this means pick on one and suddenly there are 10 or 20 friends with them. They also tend to be nearly as damned good at concealment as us guys. All it takes is for them to rip some angler off with a rather more pro active group of friends and they had better watch their step, IPs are easily tracked, their addresses are well known and published and walking home could get interesting as the hedge steps out to meet them, hand out some summary justice and stuff every orifice they can find with rancid maggots and casters...

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