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The last couple of days ive come across 'Greyhound Scanning' its done by Tom Peppercorn and quite interested in this form of scanning as it actually shows the damaged muscles so that it can advise the appriopriate form of treatment that will help with the recovery rather than just predicting that it could be this or it could be that. I honestly think alot more places should actually promote this and offer this service as it could save alot of time recovery wise if the dog is handed the correct treatment in the first place.


I believe the treatment of a scan is £10.00 so you dont mind paying it just to see the underlying problem so it is quite affordable


You can read up more about it on www.greyhound-scanning.madpage.com


Here are a few examples of the scanning pictures of different muscular injuries

















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Just shows heat which may or may not be an injury, doesn't show older stuff and very much about personal interpretation £10 you get what you pay for.

Perhaps better to spend a bit of time learning to go over your dogs and you'll soon start to find injuries rather that hot spots, your hands and brain are a lot more reliable.

Basically if there is heat from inflammation then there will be tenderness so why wait to see a man with a machine when you can check for yourself straight away at home plus hands have the added advantage of being able to mobilize the joints to check range of movement and checking older injuries/scar tissue which isn't inflamed.

Edited by sandymere
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