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Thinking of getting a bull x

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Guest born to run1083

Way I look at it a bull x is not bred for wind you want a dog that can run all night on things that require wind your thinking about the wrong x

There bred for tenacity and grit and in these situations wind doesn't come into it. Best way to put it a wrestler doesn't have to be able to run a marathon. It's two different types of fitness for the both

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something like this fella 1/4 bull 3/4 greyhound

5/8 3/8 is the best imo

See my saluki/grey x Lurcher has quite a lot of bull in her , I will probably be after a fairly big lad but still racy,

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I agree that's why I have a saluki cross for running those , I'm thinking that maybe if I get the right bull cross he (if a good dog shall in time go over her ) that way hopefully if right I should get the dog I'm after !!! What do you think , wind grit pace lung power , in theory this should work ?

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Guest born to run1083

Thing is there's running all night and then there's real running all night, not saying there ain't bull x out there that can do it but i don't think there are many out there. They arnt really bred for it. Got some land you could run 20 big ears a night easy in big fields then in hits on to rabbit. Which in the last 2-3 years could easly run 100+ rabs Most fit bull x's I've seen have barely made it half way round the 7 hour shift over there. But like I said depends what you want from a dog. But still think bull x's arnt bred for wind.

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As you said there not bred for big ears or rabbits but still need wind for what there suppose do and thats fox how many dogs bred for big ears and rabbits will have the wind to chase fox and get 5 or 6 a night single handed :thumbs:

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  On 15/08/2012 at 14:05, seang said:

As you said there not bred for big ears or rabbits but still need wind for what there suppose do and thats fox how many dogs bred for big ears and rabbits will have the wind to chase fox and get 5 or 6 a night single handed :thumbs:

bull x are not a dog for running high numbers imo,they are for bigger stuff if you want a allrounder for rabbit hare and fox ,cross a bull grey with a dog that can run high numbers of rabbit and hare thats why i got a saluki greyx bull grey imo he is a good lamp dog and ive just got a pup out of him to a collie bull grey hope pup will be steadier and have a bit more brain

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Guest long-tail
  On 14/08/2012 at 15:09, seang said:
  On 14/08/2012 at 15:05, long-tail said:
  On 14/08/2012 at 14:57, seang said:

something like this fella 1/4 bull 3/4 greyhound


i found the ones iv had lacked a bit wind to be honest not saying this is the case with all just what i have had,saying that they never had what i would call decent feet either

he seems be good enough ive gave him a few test see how he faired out and happy with his stamina but saying that ill know when the season starts and he gets few good nights out in a trot see how hell be after that :thumbs:

iv seen couple saluki x lurcher types no bull in the mix at all do better than the 3/4 bred ones iv had and they had no limitations on what they ran either.

also seen a lads bull half cross that was better suited but then that turned out to have a bit of whippet in the mix half the trouble now days unless you know the lads breeding a litter personaly you can end up with whatever in the mix and be none the wiser,we can only comment on what we seen for ourselves but i would like to see a good 5/8 3/8 in the future maybe :thumbs:

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Guest born to run1083
  On 15/08/2012 at 14:05, seang said:

As you said there not bred for big ears or rabbits but still need wind for what there suppose do and thats fox how many dogs bred for big ears and rabbits will have the wind to chase fox and get 5 or 6 a night single handed :thumbs:

Mate no offense but do you really think CHASING a fox requires wind???? And only do that 5/6 tines a night doesn't take much. They do have to be fit to dispatch all kinds of teeth but it's a total different type of fitness. its not wind, yes they have to be fit but totally different.

Like in us there's anaerobic fitness and Aerobic fitness two different types all together, bull x's need the first

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