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A while ago,possible gold

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Our computers been up the creek big time but finally got the hang of using the daughters laptop.

The end of July i was lucky enough to shoot this cracking buck from a high seat on one of my pieces of ground.Sat there until the last vestiges of decent light were gone and decided id better head back to the truck . i had the buttalo and as i stepped on the first rung to descend ,i squeaked the call in my pocket to which a buck came running through the hedge that the high seat is situated in .Dont know whether it was coincidence or what because as far as i was concerned at that time the rut hadnt yet started in Wilts but here was a buck infront the seat with me half on ,half off the seat .waited to see what he would do and luck smiled yet again when he barked and ran about 140 yards away during which i got settled back in the seat .The light really was poor but the meopta 8x56 showed him up clear enough .Chested him to which he went down on the spot without a movement.The first thing i noticed of course was the antlers, very good all round size etc but then i noticed one of the back legs appeared floppy and yes it was broke beneath the thigh.no sign of a limp as he came through though ? .first thoughts were that the bullet had taken a strange path as no exit was found just the bullet beneath the skin opposite the entry.Gralloched and headed off down to Martins with the carcass.Whist on the hook down there it was discovered that there was a tiny wound in the leg near the break.Hopefully Martin can explain the post morten results as he told me about it .



The bottem pic shows the head up against one from the same ground last year ans scored as a high silver so heres to hoping for this one :drink:

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He looks as good in the flesh as he does boiled mate - he's a gold all the way and by no small margin either. I'm going to stick my neck out and say he's going to score 140+.... almost platinum :thumbs:... bet you're glad we didn't shoot him back in May arn't you. What a cracker :victory:

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