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Hi just wondered if any one has any gun dog cross litters planed, I would be interested in either labrador or spaniel cross lurchers

A half cross type is what id be interested in, or i if you have a gun dog bitch and fancy mating it to a running dog, i have a very well bred saluki cross to offer

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Yes, as soon as my lab bitch comes in season she will be put to "England Expects". bloody thing should be in season now !.....best laid plans and all that :cray:

Have you more info on the dam fellah pic's maybe...? And England Expects is top blood GH sure Max will add the info on him....



Is the litter already booked up?

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There is a pic in my gallery (not a very good one,she is a lot more athletic than she looks) she has saxaphone express,middlegate,drakeshead in her pedigree. im breeding for myself and this is the 1st time anyone other than max knows about it. i may be counting my chickens but only 2 pups are booked (max and myself).

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There is a pic in my gallery (not a very good one,she is a lot more athletic than she looks) she has saxaphone express,middlegate,drakeshead in her pedigree. im breeding for myself and this is the 1st time anyone other than max knows about it. i may be counting my chickens but only 2 pups are booked (max and myself).

genuine question,,,,,, how many rabbits have these two dogs caught between them,,,,, :hmm:

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I would be more interested in the temprament and ability of the greyhound and its succes and injury rate

AND the abilty of the lab in the field i would of thought catching rabbits would be nill

IM very interestedif you would bear me in mind 2.8

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I didnt really think it was worth a reply 2.8 but thanks. Ill keep you informed and theres one there if you want one ;) and can i say any negative questions will not be answerd by myself... :tongue2:

wasnt a negative question, but the answer is not hard to see!!!! so what do you hope to achieve with this mating?????

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I didnt really think it was worth a reply 2.8 but thanks. Ill keep you informed and theres one there if you want one ;) and can i say any negative questions will not be answerd by myself... :tongue2:

wasnt a negative question, but the answer is not hard to see!!!! so what do you hope to achieve with this mating?????



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I didnt really think it was worth a reply 2.8 but thanks. Ill keep you informed and theres one there if you want one ;) and can i say any negative questions will not be answerd by myself... :tongue2:

wasnt a negative question, but the answer is not hard to see!!!! so what do you hope to achieve with this mating?????


Should be handy dogs for cover work and on the lamp Lurcher1 :thumbs: , Good luck with the litter Mr Wilkes

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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

I dont know why mr wilkes sees you question as negative lurcher1


Lab would bring good bidability and nose


But with dash of speed but not pure speed good for ferretting rough hedges


But not a pure running dog speed wise


I have used many dogs all sorts .


What would you consider as a good catch rate for a pure running dog .


ATB Cookie

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