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alrite everyone, picked up a new dog the other nite from a friend,

saluki x greyhound bitch 20months old, really nice bitch.

never been worked tho,


i took her out with some other dogs what no what there doing, but she just seems to want to run around and play instead of follow beam or chase anything, and also dont come back when called.

can someone help me or give me any tips to get her chasing and following the beam and also make her come back when shes called.

please help!

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Hey, when you pick up a new dog u dont really know how the other person has brought the dog up and if they have had the dog from a pup or for a long time the dog is gonna be used to his old owners ways. At the moment rather than getting it to run the lamp, start taking it out for walks and drumming it into their minds certain words mean different commands. The trick is not to have numerous calls for the same thing and also take a ball or something to throw for her so when it does grab hold of it get it used to the name and recall. Once things start picking up then start taking her our as some dogs dont mature until a later age, different breeds mature alot quicker some later, you can still take the dog out on the lamp but dont let it run the lamp if u get what i mean, nothin is stopping you from going and getting the dog into things like watching the other dog run and sooner or later the dog will start picking up on things, as the last thing u want is slipping the dog, tryin to recall it back and it runs out cause it aint funny chasing a dog in the day let alone in the night, so yeah just spend sometime with the dog getting it used to you and take things from there. Be patient but you cant blame the dog if it has faults, what you got to remind yourself is you dont know what work was done with it in the beginning so just start with the basics and earn your trust and you should be fine :)

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