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early morning

Guest jrt

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got up at 5 and left the house with the terrier at 6 am this morning, been checking out alittle spot that looked a good chance of getting ben his first kill, well on the mooch, found a few holes on the side of an inbankment, i only had a stick so was poking them trying to get something to bolt, but no luck atall.. ben kept going back to this one hole.. i jammed the stick down it but the was no movement what i could feel, came to a few large wooden planks lied down and lifted them hoping for a bolter but sweet FA.. my question is, if my terrier has never met a wild rat before would he still know that there was something down the hole?


was out for arround 3 hours and covered a fare bit of distance by foot, twas shite that we never got anything but still enjoy being out with him and the exercise was good aswell..

has he ever seen a rat? if not he wont mark holes untill he knows whats down them and what it smells like? sambo

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Theres plenty of lads round your way who go out with the terriers mate see if you can get an invite, he probably will mark in a way without having caught one but not as keen as if he'd had a few. Find your nearest tip or mcdonalds drive through and have a walk about dusk time there should be some knocking about.

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