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i would just go the local paki shop even in in a post apocalyptic situation there would still be a few

you would be surprised the type of people who shine in adverse conditions, its never the ones you expect, toughness comes from within


Well I'll indulge you. Lol

Firstly in that type of scenario, there would be no point in staying put in the one place. If the food situation was that bad, you would soon use up all recourses around you. Therefore you would need to keep moving, and scavenging. So taking a dog with you IMO wouldn't be such a good idea. You are bound to meet other desperate people like yourself , who would see your dog as a means to survive, and so be it if the have to kill you in the process. Also like you said, if your struggling to survive so will the dog. I'm afraid it's every man and beast for itself.

What are you gibbering about now.....you'd be dead within 3 days with lack of Irn Bru or McDonalds ffs.......... :D

If there was wild animals still roaming the place then a few snares would be handy, if should be looking to eat once every 2 weeks with them set... :laugh: I'd like a dog that could catch game as well as find it and the rest i'd make up along the way. Probably be dead quite shortly after............ :yes:


FFS lab you have'nt any worries........ you'd last years on those dogs of yours.......... :whistling::laugh:

Eat Buzz................how very dare you. I'd rather starve to death....... :D
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Is this research for a new book - Revenge of the Zombie Lurchers... :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:


forget the book ............... it would spice up the CMW :laugh:

you werent lying when you said you were going to party through the night............................... :laugh:

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