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dog put on too much weight over the summer months,

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  • 2 weeks later...

None of my dogs get fat in the summer months, why, because I take them out.

If you've been too lazy to walk them and your wife has been feeding them too much, I think you have already answered your question.

You and your misses should walk them.


Just to add, if I feed my dogs too much, they just shit it out because they get lots of exercise.


It's nothing to do with lazyness! If you've seen any pics of my dogs on here you will see that I put a lot of time into getting them fit, for when they need to be fit! I prefer to rest mine up and only give them road walks on the evening during the summer, and if they put a bit of weight on during that time then so what. I'm not poncing around a ring with them trying to win colourful rosettes at shows in the summer, so as far as I'm concerned my dogs can doss and enjoy the occasional treat during the summer.


IMO Unless you work your dogs all year round (Which some have too) then I don't see the point in putting them through a tough fitness regime all year round. My dogs will be primed and ready for the season and fit as any dog throughout the season so save your judgement pal.

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i appreciate that dogs in the summer deserve a rest but they should be kept about two weeks hard work from being fit ............ie a couple of kilos at most .no need for dogs to be ever fat! not good for the dogs heart or constitution...............JMHO

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