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shredded paper

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hi is shredded paper a safe alternative to using straw as a bedding material i did think it was a no no !! because of the ink in the paper but have read a couple of posts lately where they seam to be using it thanks


I have my own shredder, which i put junk mail in, yellow pages, telephone books, newspapers and it is all used for rabbit, ferret and dog bedding.

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I read, and I can't remember where or I would quote the source, that you shouldn't use coloured paper for some reason. Think it was because the ink was different on coloured paper?


Can anyone shed any light on this please?






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I read, and I can't remember where or I would quote the source, that you shouldn't use coloured paper for some reason. Think it was because the ink was different on coloured paper?


Can anyone shed any light on this please?







I have used paper of all colours without any problems

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Anyone in North East can get it from me free :D I dont use it but have access to quite a bit!! Obviously you'd have to come and get it though.

I might have to take you up on that offer soon, when our admin dept becomes smaller.

Im on a course at your place next week ;)


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Guest Frank

Coloured paper is ment to have arsnic in it.

If the ferret eats it accidently with its food on a regular bassis, which its bound to do, then its a dead one. :(

Allways use black and white ink, or plain sredded paper. ;)


I got this info off Simon White Head, on the country Channel TV show thats on the net, i put the link up on here a while back, if you look back on here, you will see it. :thumbs-up:



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i can get easy access to hay and straw from the stables, but i was thinking more on along the lines of paper because of fleas , ticks and mites .

i can get paper from my sister work place but its all cross cut .


how much does a shredder cost ???


Darren .

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i can get easy access to hay and straw from the stables, but i was thinking more on along the lines of paper because of fleas , ticks and mites .

i can get paper from my sister work place but its all cross cut .


how much does a shredder cost ???


Darren .



whats the difference between straight cut and cross cut


Shredder can cost as little as £10 depends which one you get.


Streight cut, you get long peices as the paper is cut length-ways.

cross cut the paper is cut length and sideways, resulting in short strips of paper.

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Anyone in North East can get it from me free :D I dont use it but have access to quite a bit!! Obviously you'd have to come and get it though.

I might have to take you up on that offer soon, when our admin dept becomes smaller.

Im on a course at your place next week ;)


:D Which one? Ive got a bin bag full of the stuff if you want it?

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Well being support programme, 3 days. Got more coming up...seems now we have joined trusts most of the courses are at yours? Would appretiate directions please :D Never been :icon_eek: Its in the Board room, learning & development centre.

Ive got enough to see me for a while, when we eventually get to your charge nurses place ill get it then, thank you ;)


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