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shredded paper

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hi is shredded paper a safe alternative to using straw as a bedding material i did think it was a no no !! because of the ink in the paper but have read a couple of posts lately where they seam to be using it thanks

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Guest Lurchers2006
hi is shredded paper a safe alternative to using straw as a bedding material i did think it was a no no !! because of the ink in the paper but have read a couple of posts lately where they seam to be using it thanks

I use it without a problem :victory:

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'safe alternative to straw' Whats dangerous about straw?


I use it most of the time, occasionally using paper but much prefer straw. Mine dont seem to be harmed by it :hmm:




I think he means is paper a safe alternative, not straws dangerious :laugh::laugh: i think :D

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'safe alternative to straw' Whats dangerous about straw?


I use it most of the time, occasionally using paper but much prefer straw. Mine dont seem to be harmed by it :hmm:




I think he means is paper a safe alternative, not straws dangerious :laugh::laugh: i think :D

:laugh::duh: Didnt really get where you were coming from sorry mate :victory:


Need to read things twice haha :laugh:

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And me as you can see :laugh::laugh:



:icon_eek: She looks fit to burst now :D




where can you get shredded paper in bulk , the pet shop sells a tiny bag for £1 each :blink:

I get mine from the offices at work, ive got a bit of a battle though because someone else also gets its for his kennels :nono:

If you know anyone who works in an office, especially in a large establishment like a hospital etc, ask them to bring a big bag home, it will last you ages :good:


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And me as you can see :laugh::laugh:





When i first looked I thought the fert was a roast chicken :icon_redface: Couldn't work out why it was on shredded paper :D:D


ROFLMAO :laugh::clapper::laugh::laugh:

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