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paddy sweeney V philipe king for the king of kings

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money can buy a lot of things but cant buy a mans rep for breeding the best dogs in ireland and since your going down that road about things the best dogs in the north are ps stuff gobshit

you started this stuped argument we where only talking about ps and pk

ps you can buy a dog but you can take away the man who bread it and half of ye so called coursing men ye wouldent have good dog if not ps

Edited by pat
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If a man that sales over 2000 dogs and breeding everything with anything is a so called king of luchers does not say much about the lucher world really.

xcuse me. i bred my own dog you brought the BRITS into it saying WT bred hope,i couldnt give 2 fiddlers fxxk who bred who at the end of the day as long as you get a hunt a couple of sanwiches n a drop

Wat a load of shite

shadow12 started this shit

Sorry pat but I didn't start f--k all I started my own topic to have a chat about who contributed most to Irish hunting till every shite in the country used it for a slagging sight to mock every other man in the country and not keep focused on the topic I didn't start any slagging matches its the fellas who like to be heard above everyone else.
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xcuse me. i bred my own dog you brought the BRITS into it saying WT bred hope,i couldnt give 2 fiddlers fxxk who bred who at the end of the day as long as you get a hunt a couple of sanwiches n a drop of tea,thn back to the boozer[frames] to talk a load of oul balls :toast: :toast:

Amen brother
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f f your quote

was hopes da not called hope es well did sweeny breed that too or did iy come from wt.

get your fact s right you brought the britts as you called them in to it

ps no one asked you to give a f,,,k about anything

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how hard is it for anyone of ye to answer theses questions



1 who bread the most



2 who bread the best


3 name kings famous dogs


4 name sweeney famous dogs


5 who perdused the best


so no shit keep it clean and no hiting under the belt


6 name the king of kings


ye all are like poilitions never give a streat answer

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Ya is Philip king the king of lurchers and question mark to invite opinions I didn't ask every one to compare him to every novice that bread a lurcher and thinks he knows everything there is to know about them And I certainly didn't start any slagging match between himself and paddy Sweeney which I tink is all that this particular topic is if anyone thought anything of any of these two men they would have the decency not too mention there names in the same topic as its an argument that can never be won in my opinion

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im the king of lurchers and so is every lad who goes for a days hunting with there dogs and there dogs do what is asked of them thats what counts :yes:

best post on this topic mate and iv posted a few lol im sure there s lads in ireland whos had good dogs and people have never heard of them some people arnt intrested in having a name or making a name and some are atb each to there own
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f f your quote

was hopes da not called hope es well did sweeny breed that too or did iy come from wt.

get your fact s right you brought the britts as you called them in to it

ps no one asked you to give a f,,,k about anything

talking about IRISH breeding my dog turned out a black n tan.
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