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help with hw100kt with fx quick fill cylinder.

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Hi guys right to start off with I went out lamping a few weeks ago and it was raining when I got home I oiled the gun down as allways and put it back in the cabinet, in the morning I got it out to go for a mooch and the bloody thing had dumped all its air it has done this once before and it was the two orings on the filling valve so I changed them and filled her up nd it pissed air out again and was empty(it was leaking from underneath out of the hole next to where the stock fastens back on) so I ordered a seal kit for it off ebay and the chart and diagram seem a bit hard to follow so I have replaced all the seals I have come across and tryed to match the ones I have taken off with the new ones I just put it all back together and there is still no change its still leaking just as bad so where would be the best place to get it cured and how much would it cost roughly and does any body have a number.

sorry it ws a bit long guys and thanks in advance.

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