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getting them fit for season pics

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Without trying to be controversial or start any sort of argument I can't understand why anybody lets their dogs get so unfit during the summer that they have to start working hard in August to get the

Well you obviously don't understand ..... because to feed them more in the summer would be detrimental to the dogs fitness regime not benefit it ..... Stick to your toy breeds fella .........

Lurchers will become unfit or lose fittness in the summer if there not getting ran unless your summer bashing pregnant/milky does and babys? even then they dont need to be properly fit to do that! I

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I dont stop working my dog in the summer, we just do things differntly. It's more bushing and stalking early mornings and late evenings :thumbs:


I should hope most people do the same, as trying to get a unfit dog fit as its done little or nothing for 6 months of the year is setting yourself up for a fall IMO.


Are people that dense to leave there dogs festering in a kennel or given little excercise for 6 months until the 1st of September is showing on the calendar? If so maybe its time to give up the dogs ;)


Corn hopping crazy, not always that fruitful but the hounds love it ;)


Edited by Sirius
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Guest Moscow

I dont think anyone on this topic has said they leave there dogs locked up laying idle for the summer, why would anyone do that?


Whats wrong with stepping things up a notch and getting them ready for the season at this time of the year?

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