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italian greyhound for rabbiting...

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They are a "Toy Breed". Lapdogs with serious problems with breaking bones just doing things like jumping off the sofa !! Couldn't catch a rabbit in a 'phone box.   Now just watch all the "Iggy" owne

about as much use as a micro ferret

WHY ????? If a small Whippet can catch rabbits........why f**k it up by crossing it with something that can't, and adds absolutely nothing ??   Cheers.

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i had an 18lb non ped years ago that took lots of rabbits and was in on bigger stuff with the bigger dogs but she was no italian greyhound lapdog, she was bred from strong racing bred dogs, any ig ive seen looks frail and fragile, weak looking feet and no balance kinda more front end than back but hey if it rocks your boat

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never thought of that, i dont think the pups would be anygood tho, never know, i may buy a pure wolfhound dog and an italian greyhound bitch an what will be will be...


Yeah, that would be a good cross ! I was thinking of putting this Wolfhound over Delta..... But you can see by the look on her face, she wasn't to happy about it !! LOL !!





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Guest born to run1083

They are a "Toy Breed". Lapdogs with serious problems with breaking bones just doing things like jumping off the sofa !! Couldn't catch a rabbit in a 'phone box.


Now just watch all the "Iggy" owners coming on and saying how THEIR dog does rabbits, hares, foxes, etc !! LOL !!



Funny you say that lol I don't own one but a bloke in Oxford I know does and his was originally brought as a sofa dog for his mrs until one day he was out with it and it nailed a rabbit and retrieved it. After that the bloke has used it over the last 3 years to catch bolters his terrier flushes. I know its not loads but in total had over 200 day time rabbits now and no phone box in sight ;)


And I've got a Mini Manchester Terrier, (honestly), that draws Badgers, lugs Wild Boar and grabs Deer by the hock and trips them !! LOL !! :rofl:



No honestly about it mate believe or don't ,couldn't give a feck either way ;)

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