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italian greyhound for rabbiting...

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They are a "Toy Breed". Lapdogs with serious problems with breaking bones just doing things like jumping off the sofa !! Couldn't catch a rabbit in a 'phone box.   Now just watch all the "Iggy" owne

about as much use as a micro ferret

WHY ????? If a small Whippet can catch rabbits........why f**k it up by crossing it with something that can't, and adds absolutely nothing ??   Cheers.

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They are a "Toy Breed". Lapdogs with serious problems with breaking bones just doing things like jumping off the sofa !! Couldn't catch a rabbit in a 'phone box.


Now just watch all the "Iggy" owners coming on and saying how THEIR dog does rabbits, hares, foxes, etc !! LOL !!



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There is a vet that lives close to me and she keeps Italian whippets for agility competitions and has purposely bred large and robust together over the last 10 years to produce something fast agile and strong enough to cope with the task at hand ..... She obviously knows what I do and openly admits that even though her dogs are at the top end of strength and size for the breed they could NEVER be used for hunting ............

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I spent a morning rabbiting with a fellah that had a dog and a bitch Italian Greyhound, and although not serious rabbiting, we caught 7-8 if i remember...it was really fun, and the dogs where crazy agile....i wouldnt get one for serious hunting, but for what they where, they where very fun indeed.

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