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several bodybuilders 'intermittent fast' where they fast anywhere from 16 hours to 24 hours, but you can fast up to 48 hours without your body eating into muscle, im currently doing this but i wouldnt let my dog go without food as i dont believe that has been enough research in their metabolic rate ect

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:laugh: some of the clowns that come on thl could forget to wipe there arse nevr mind feeding a dog

Not for me that cant see the benifit of making an animal go without food for 48 hour's every week and it is 48 hour's not 1 day if you feed friday at 7pm miss saturday at 7pm and feed sunday at 7pm th

dogs fed once a day do a 24hr fast 7 days a week

A bloke I know who`s a personal trainer is on a diet which includes a 24 and an 18 hour fast every week.He swears by it for shrinking his stomach size.But there are days when he has no energy and couldn`t do his usual workouts.I dont think it would do any harm for an out of condition dog in the summer to get it back into shape and fitness for the season,but a big NO for the season when the dog is working regularly and may need more fuel especially when it gets colder.

dogs fed once a day do a 24hr fast 7 days a week :laugh:
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Most of the old shepherds I knew when I was 'herding used to feed their dogs 6 days week!!! But then again most of them fed a diet of flaked maize soaked in spare milk from the house cow - and if there was no spare milk it was soaked with hot water!!! Dining at the Ritz eh?

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Cant see any real benefit in it tbh..unless its for genuine medical reasons then i or my dogs shouldnt have to go hungry..think its an old wives tale that it does any good..atb stabba

your always fecking hungry :laugh:
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several bodybuilders 'intermittent fast' where they fast anywhere from 16 hours to 24 hours, but you can fast up to 48 hours without your body eating into muscle, im currently doing this but i wouldnt let my dog go without food as i dont believe that has been enough research in their metabolic rate ect


Check out Brad Pilon an American nutritionist's Eat Stop Eat views on fasting - really interesting stuff. A coulple of the guys I train with fast weekly and swear by it. :thumbs:

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I remember the old Whippet Racing guys fasting their dogs one day a week as part of the feeding regime; one day fish, another day offal, then meat, etc. Don't know if it worked, the dogs are faster now and I havent heard of any one doing it now.



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several bodybuilders 'intermittent fast' where they fast anywhere from 16 hours to 24 hours, but you can fast up to 48 hours without your body eating into muscle, im currently doing this but i wouldnt let my dog go without food as i dont believe that has been enough research in their metabolic rate ect


Check out Brad Pilon an American nutritionist's Eat Stop Eat views on fasting - really interesting stuff. A coulple of the guys I train with fast weekly and swear by it. :thumbs:

i will do cheers bud :thumbs:

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many moons ago we fasted our racing whippets, i think the logic behind it was a domesticated dogs digestive system wasn't too far removed from that of a wild canid and they didn't eat every day, it was the way i was taught by the real old school guy's but i didn't really buy into it and had better results without the fast

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Depending on how hard the dogs are working I will fast ... If they are flat out working then I feed daily but if not then I fast once a week and I give the dogs a pro biotic yogurt .... The reason is because I feed a raw diet which obviously carries far more bacteria than dried and although a dogs stomach acid breaks down 99% of these bacteria I like the dogs to have a Completely empty stomach then feed them a pro biotic to put good enzymes back into the gut ... Basically I am trying to keep the dogs digestive system clean and functioning at its best ability ..........

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Anybody on here miss feeding their dogs 1 day a week.The mate swears by it he also misses food himself once a week he recekons its good for you :angel:

I work for a living so can afford to feed 7 days :)



I have heard of people doing it but I can't see any benefits to be gained by it although 1 day a week I feed fish and rice meal

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If i can remember correctly i read this in one of my ferreting books i will try and find it and quote it on here i have a funny feeling it was in Jackie drakefords book? It says something along the line of leaving the ferrets one day without food a week is a perfectly natural thing to do as it is good for their digestive systems and also brings them back to their basic natural instinct that they may not be able to hunt and kill each day? Somethings along those lines but im not entirely sure about dogs. Me personally the only time i have a miss feed is because of me and only me forgetting or being too busy. But 98% of the time she is fed everyday on time



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