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Snaring Accreditation?

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Can anyone enlighten me on this - 'From 2013 anyone wishing to set a snare MUST be accredited'. (From BASC Web Site)

Any snare, only Fox snare, why, how much, where, by whom, and when???

And the benefit of said accreditation would be???? - Just getting to use them??


Appologies if this has been covered before, but I had a look about and couldn't find anything.

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i also said it a few months ago when people were putting pictures of cubs in rabbits snares up and admitting it was deliberate

i know bud im just banging at the door

click your heels dorathy

SACS are taking names for a course to be run shortly check our website what area are you in PM me if you like.

how did SACS get the contract? who authorized you?can we accredit with a known expert privately like glenn waters and pay him instead of ORGANIZATIONS like yours?who authorized you to monopolize on this legislation?
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SACS are just one of the groups authorised by the Govt you obviously have a problem with that so take the Basc course. SACS being a value for money outfit offer it to members and non members at a price to cover our costs but hey if that does'nt suit ! Glenn has been consulted extensively by a number of different orgs but the legislation kicks in early next year so all the organizations need to run them so there is no backlog. SACS is run to provide a service to its members and its members expect these courses to be available to them we will continue to do this at a reasonable price. I would suggest you contact whatever ORGANIZATION you are a member of and do the course they provide but remember this in the event you misunderstand the instructions of the course SACS provides up to £100,000 pounds legal fees insurance in case you get nicked.

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Organizations are there for the benefit of their members as stated above SACS are a value for money outfit but if you feel you are not getting enough Bang for your Buck from your representitive body go to the AGM and have your say any one can stand outside and criticize the right way to go is change the things you dont like BUT you have to be a member to do that and that takes comitment.

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Was that the one for this new legislation where tags will have to be fitted to all snares with an Id number from the police like Larsons?


Jasher that's the one, a lantra course done by the sga they had a big push to get folk on it well before the law came in.. Drags have to be something like 1/2 ton, lol. Recommend ground anchors, no setting near fences walls water trees bushes or thick vegetation. Blah blah blah

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SACS are just one of the groups authorised by the Govt you obviously have a problem with that so take the Basc course. SACS being a value for money outfit offer it to members and non members at a price to cover our costs but hey if that does'nt suit ! Glenn has been consulted extensively by a number of different orgs but the legislation kicks in early next year so all the organizations need to run them so there is no backlog. SACS is run to provide a service to its members and its members expect these courses to be available to them we will continue to do this at a reasonable price. I would suggest you contact whatever ORGANIZATION you are a member of and do the course they provide but remember this in the event you misunderstand the instructions of the course SACS provides up to £100,000 pounds legal fees insurance in case you get nicked.

so what your saying is that i have to use a orgaization that accredits?so if your 20 years in the game and have been instructed by such as glenn you will still be required to be accreditted by a chosen organization? going to be trained by a experienced snareman in use and legislation will not suffice?just to clarify
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