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Get rid of the gloves for a starter.


Man up they are only wee ferrets !! lol.. The gloves won`t help though.


Try pushing your finger further in when they bite, not hard but enough to make them gag a wee bit, they seriously do not like this and it has been found to really help with biters



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loose the gloves as rake says just handle em more i put a bit of lamlac on me finger end let the kits lick it off if they bite i just gently push my finger into the mouth till they gag a bit few times of this they stop biting the fingers

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to much egg can cause some to shed their fur (protein) so the egg thing is best kept as a treat . cat milk is fine as the lactose is not in it. i did give mine the cd jab yesterday but that was only after careful consideration and a major outbreak of canine distemper in my area. i innoculate the dog so i have to give the ferrets a fighting chance.feed ferret biscuts, liver and once a week meat as a treatand i wet the biscuits down with water otherwise dry food means loads of water to sake their thirsts

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Rabbit, chicks, quail, squirrel, rats, mice, duck, pheasant, liver, heart then the obvs ferret biscuts I give mine a drop of milk every now and again personally i would never ever give me ferrets tinned food :icon_eek: I also give them egg a hole egg and leave them 2 it oh and I go the butchers every day and get the scraps! every one does things diffrent hope you get what you was after :thumbs:

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mine get a few rabbit heads a day at the moment, with proper meat every few days or so, they are stayling slim and fit, when fed too much before they got fat as pigs. also just necked a hen and chucked it in the hutch with my jill and 2 kits, they go mental for it, cant get fresher than that. :thumbs:

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