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If my lurcher gets a cut in the field

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There is a blue one cant mind the name of it - but it comes in 200ml bottles


Theres another one called Betadine dry powder spray. Antiseptic of course :thumbs:


But there are LOADS on the market to try :victory:

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I use the one riohog said , or iodine both got from horse supply shops .

Staplers are a good thing to have IMO or the ability to stitch a dog up

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Vet glue mate, it's blue, and expensive but worth it's weight in gold, I have saluki types with thin skin, hve had two surface injuries in as many days, one to the chest between the front legs, one to the side f a fore leg.


(This isn't a regular thing, I'm as careful as anyone can be, and these are this first injuries incurred by my dogs since one ran into a tree last winter, and I have A LOT of dogs, 12 at present)


Anyway, as lng as it's a surface wound, and clean of forigne bodies, dirt etc, a few drops of this stuff will bond the edges and hold as good as stiches, buys you plenty of time to see a vet if this is neccassary.


I don't ever take the dogs out without the 'dog first aid kit'


Obviously any wound involving blood vessels, muscle, deep tissue or embedded objects or dirt needs to be seen immediatly by a vet.

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