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1st Look out on new permission today..bit of VIP treatment also.

Guest vin

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Hello all.


My mate Trigger2 had just got some new permission and they wanted us to go down and show our faces and have a look around ready for the new season coming.


So I set of 1st thing this morning and we met up at the Cafe with Ray (bird) and Bryn.We had a nice breaky to start the day and off we went.


The keeper met us at the farm and took us to a wood where there was quite a lot of bunny activity,He asked us to shift any we could while we were there with a view to coming back as soon as we can get at them through all the dense cover etc etc.


still way too much cover and the nettles are stinging good and propper..but we had a good look around and found some massive sets to come back to in the winter.


Bryn is an excellent marking dog and If he says theres abunny at home you can bet money on it..so when he marked up a couple of smaller sets we netted up what holes we could see and dropped a Fert in. and as always we pulled a couple out.


so we just mooched about having a look at whats there and by the looks of things we,ve got more than enough to go at for the winter..theres around 15,000 acres for us to Ferret..The keepers young lad has just taken a keen interest in the ferreting so he came along with us and helped out today..He was no trouble and a great little helper..He took a real shine to my little Micro ferrets..lol. Im gonna sort him out a couple to start him off...its great to see the young fellas take an interest.


We managed to get a couple from a nice set behind a wood pile,One a nice 3/4 for the pot.


I cant say we were all out ferreting but if we could get a few nets on and we had a mark from the dogs we had a little go.


The highlight came at 1pm when the keeper turned up and took us back to the farm where his wife turned up with a flask of tea and cakes... Now yer talking VIP treatment....In propper cups...very nice !


Then we had another mooch around a few hedges and managed to pick up a couple more bunnies out of a set at the side of the road...Theres still more bunnies on top than below ground at this time of year,but it was nice to try the little ferrets out and we even had the rescue Hob "box" out for a little run through..he killed one below.


We didnt over stay our welcome and apparently we made a good impression,so much so that he invited us back to the house for a cuppa and gave us some nice eggs to take home in exchange for a couple of nice bunnies.

He asked us if we would come and sort the rabbits on the whole place and do whatever we need to do to keep em in check.

Of course we agreed and left his place happy chappies.


I know its out of season for Ferreting etc etc...but sometimes it pays to just go out of your way and do that little bit extra to set you in good stead for future.


Had a great stress free day in the company of good men .


Happy Birthday RAY.






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spot on that vin, good post. Yes we got some good ground for the winter no dout about that :thumbs: / the young keepers lad was very keem wasnt he, hope stays like it you need young blood in the this game. Bryn was on top form again he never lets you down with his marking, he really makes ferrting that much eaiser . Well done jon getting the ground top lad . I felt me age after 11 hours on me feet all day lol . Ray

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