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Guest Frank

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Guest Frank

You could be right simo. :victory:

I have been on a few fox hunts and the hounds usally put an end to the fox quicker.

But then again, each to their own, i just thought it was a wee bit prelonged.



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Guest Frank
Traditionally we have brought stags to bay, foxes to ground etc etc ;) :thumbs-up:


This is true and im sure it was all humane. :yes:


Prehaps im just being pedantic :icon_redface::laugh: , but personally, a good lurcher or 3, would put an end to the coyote quicker, i would think?



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Not my type of hunting,ive never liked the laughing brigade and the gloating towards the quarry before its been dispatched,rather see it done quickly and as humanly as possible.

This is the way ive been shown and taught when i started out as a nipper,"if you hunt you should always show respect to what you kill at all times"was the words drumed into me back then,and this is the words i would pass on to anybody starting out now ;)

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personally not for me.

heres one of the native american ten commandments.




it should be a quick dispatch or none at all,

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Guest Lurcherbitch
if you hunt you should always show respect to what you kill at all times"

I am not even going to watch it . I came into hunting later in life. But a very wise man said those words to me at a show,I'll never forget him.or those words xx

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Guest oldskool

i thought it would have been better if someone would have despatched it quicker... no need to video a pack of hounds holding a coyote at bay for that length of time... a bit unnessasary if you ask me

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