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Hate tweets sent to Tom Daley (Olympic diver)

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I find this sickening :censored: - Tom Daley received a tweet from a 17 year old boy saying "i hope you know you have let your father down"..


Tom and his dad were really close and he died of brain cancer just last year..

The 17 year old has been arrested for it.


All because they came fourth, so missed out on the bronze medal..

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Horrible little c**t !......The kid done his best and failed theres no shame in that.....the shame is ridiculing a top athlete from the safety of your front room !


Makes you wonder how they are going to police this Twitter/Facebook thing....after all said and done is what the kid said an arrestable offence......its a cuntish one yes but can you be arrested for being a c**t......sorry about the language by the way.

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Nothing to do with coming fourth. Just a little spiteful shit who I'd imagine will be regretting that now, hopefully he gets a site face for it.

And gnasher your right.... He is a c**t!!!

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He's a scummy wee b*****d!!! Best about it is - he DID try to apologize for what he said a while after, saying that he was just annoyed because he really wanted Tom to win :censored: i hope he gets what he deserves!!

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Tom Daley went straight on the social networks and apologised for letting everybody down, then recieves a tweet like that.



Thats probably because he seems a classy young man brought up by a father with good basic pricipals..................................................and then has to read something like that :censored:

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What he said is terrible, but being arrested for it is unreal. It wasn't a threat, so expressing an opinion is now an arrestable offence?


Put yourself out on a public forum and don't expect everyone to like you, so don't get offended when some nutcase says things like that.


What next comedians getting arrested when someone takes offence to a joke?

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Im unsure, but there was a comment on daybreak saying he had death threats also..


Dont go by this just incase because i really am unsure - but it said something along them lines

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Social media/networking sites have and will provoke some moral dilemas. If you put yourself out there in the worlds eye then you're going to encounter the best and unfortunately the worst whether you deserve it or not.


No doubt any decent human would consider the 17 yr olds actions disgracefull and a public flogging wouldn't be too bad but whether what he said is/should really be punishable by law is a bit more subjective.


My feeling is that the comment should simply have been deleted and taken on the chin by Tom as a bit of life experience. The lad should be proud as feck standing up infront of the world for his country and see any such snide remarks as jealous wastes of human life that will never achieve success.

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Terrible thing to say , but come on. You only need to look at the comments on any vid on Jew tube. There always ones saying nasty stuff. Some ate funny, some are truly offensive.

Having said that,it all goes with being in the line light. I'm sure Tom daly didn't pay it no heed. The person who made the comment prob didn't even mean it.

As for being arrested. If its true that he was just for that comment, then this country is far worse than I first thought.

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