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terrierwork the new generation.

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after the recent thread got locked i have been mulling over the future for working terriers. in the uk. and the issue of the quality of the future terriers.

i dont work my dogs to ground the same now and have changed my whole aproach. i keep mostly baying dogs and use them above ground more often than not.


i am an admirer of the working terrier in all its forms and feel there is still a future for working terriers . working them within the constraints of the law. the british isles has a record of producing top quality working dogs that is world renowned. but due to the new laws and the fact that a large amount of folk are getting away from terrierwork its the fact that there will be less folk willing to take up the mantle. (i actively discourage my lads not to get involved with terrierwork) and so do a lot of older lads i know :yes: .


in these difficult times . there will be a decline in sensible terrierfolk. and an increase in the rogue elliment. due to the fact it is now apealling to these folk'


the future of earthwork lies with terriers that are of a size to fit to ground to the average fox. that have the capabillity to work and bolt foxes for the means of pest control. within the constraints of the law. whilst all the time promoteing the good work that can be done in this manner. any digression from these ends will only speed up the deteriation of the working terrier.


whilste being a law abiding terrierman you can guard good bloodlines and try to keep the small amount of work we have . and lobby to have our god given rights handed back to us.


sensible debate.


as for worrying about fools . moderate them ban them and be seen to police your right to use your dogs.

it is bad enough not being free to work your terriers . but not being free to debate them due to a small elliment of fools is an absolute disgrace.


sensible debate please.


apollogies fof spelling. i was often out enjoying my dogs/ferrets. when i should have been at school. :icon_redface:

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All any of us can do is keep at it-show the next gen the correct way to conduct themselves,respect the dogs,respect your quarry,respect your permission,backfill etc-does not help when you have lads go

terriers are an addiction and obbsesion how many times have you came home after a dig and replayed it in your head til the early hours or the night before you go til a fresh bit of ground and you cant

after the recent thread got locked i have been mulling over the future for working terriers. in the uk. and the issue of the quality of the future terriers. i dont work my dogs to ground the same no

Well around my area terrier work is getting more popular each year. Yes ok some of the young uns might not stay in the job but that's always been the way. I've dug with my mates as a teenager and some of them never stayed in the job,But a few of us did . So it's my opinion that there will always good terriers and good terrier men in GB as long as we pass on what we've learnt .

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Possibly the same as most things that are made illegal.



Forced 'underground' and occasionally a few idiots passing through make it easy for the media to drag out as a plaything for a few weeks. Possibly followed by more legislation.


Shooting and fishing are already in their sites, then it will be the farm collie and the family russell.



Very honourable talk of working within the constrains of the law, but when the laws an ass...............what do you do?

Edited by GD Waz
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I see the problem for terrier work (and all hunting actualy) as a wider social issue. The public have become more and more divorced from natue and lost their connection to the land.

Unless their meat comes in a nice clean cellophane wrapper they are disgusted.

How can you expect them to understand the need for control to protect livestock/game ?

Throw in some willfuly cruel chancers and a sensationalist media and we have reached the point we are at today.


It makes me very sad but i can see no future for it.

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  On 31/07/2012 at 10:09, foxfan said:

I see the problem for terrier work (and all hunting actualy) as a wider social issue. The public have become more and more divorced from natue and lost their connection to the land.

Unless their meat comes in a nice clean cellophane wrapper they are disgusted.

How can you expect them to understand the need for control to protect livestock/game ?

Throw in some willfuly cruel chancers and a sensationalist media and we have reached the point we are at today.


It makes me very sad but i can see no future for it.


et voila

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People crushed by law have no hopes but from power.

If laws are their enemies,they will be enemies to laws:

and those,who have much to hope and nothing to lose,

will always be dangerous,more or less.

Burke 1777


The working of Terriers will always continue...inside & outside the Law

What was a gentified Weekend past time..as just fallen out of favour,Lucas at Chequers (Prime Ministers Residence).with the So called Educated class.

So they Demonised it ,as a Corse and Un-Educated pastime to turn folk from it.....People will always of a certain class,try to emulate what they see as their Betters..

Whilst they will use the so-called Scruff to do their Bidding be it inside or out of the Very Laws they Invoked..

Edited by Tam O'Void
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Some good points there Cleanspade,but cant understand you discouraging your lads from terrier work if your concerned of the future of terrier work ,surely you should be encouraging them to get involved(if they where interested)and teaching them to preserve the working terrier?

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Terriermen have been in self preservation mode for as long as I can remember,we don't have a ban here yet but we all act as if there is one. Paranoia is rife always on the lookout for infiltrators, dog thiefs and all the other demons lining up to get us, we all follow this unwritten "omerta" and because we are only interested in our own individual interests most people don't care about bans or constraints as we'll just carry on as normal.

Terrier work doesn't have to be driven 'underground' it is already seen as subversive ,a bit of a black art because we've already put it there.Like all things that are deemed secret and dark there's an element of rebellion and coolness that attracts the yobbos and repels the genuine young lads.

Why would anyone thinking of getting into terriers or hunting with dogs even think about continuing their interest when you look at the tripe that's written on here on an hourly basis everyones show is s@@t, everyones dogs are s@@t, anyone selling a pup is a peddler and everyone outside the established cliques are c@@ts.Anyone looking at our world from the outside would give it a wide berth and find something else to get involved in.

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I will hopefully have my boys by my side when I am getting on a bit too much for using the spade and i will teach them to conduct their terrier work in a proper manner,and they might be teaching me a thing or two when the years pass by with the way the game is evolving ,but no matter what if all forms of terrier work where banned it will still continue but the problem with is some people will still do it the proper way but you will always get that element of arse hole that want to do it because it is illegal,and they are the c@nt that has fcuk it up to the point it is at the moment

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we all know there are d@#@#@##ds in hunting let alone terrierwork

if you do things above board then there is no worry apart from possibly bein stopped by the law

but it seems to be this that has people packing it in as i know a few that have cos they dont want the hassle

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There's to much for u to worry about and hassle, hassle of havin your dogs stolen hassle of being raided by rspca having your house serched and famlie upsett all computers and your mobile phones took hassle of being banned from keeping animals and hassle of being wiped out of thieves,, all this is enough to make your avrage man pack in even if he hunts within the law ...

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  On 31/07/2012 at 12:00, coonboy said:

There's to much for u to worry about and hassle, hassle of havin your dogs stolen hassle of being raided by rspca having your house serched and famlie upsett all computers and your mobile phones took hassle of being banned from keeping animals and hassle of being wiped out of thieves,, all this is enough to make your avrage man pack in even if he hunts within the law ...

BUT the MAN that Keeps & Works TERRIERS....isn't AVERAGE.he's a Rise above it or Should Be !. :thumbs:

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  On 31/07/2012 at 12:14, Tam O said:
  On 31/07/2012 at 12:00, coonboy said:

There's to much for u to worry about and hassle, hassle of havin your dogs stolen hassle of being raided by rspca having your house serched and famlie upsett all computers and your mobile phones took hassle of being banned from keeping animals and hassle of being wiped out of thieves,, all this is enough to make your avrage man pack in even if he hunts within the law ...

BUT the MAN that Keeps & Works TERRIERS....isn't AVERAGE.he's a Rise above it or Should Be !. :thumbs:

I hope so
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