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jackers !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jackers....a dog tight on a hare when the hare goes through a gate or sheepwire fence n the dog stops its a jacker and shouldnt be brought home.a good dog should bust hedges if tight on a hare.full salukis run on the fens n then brought to ireland are notorious for this thats why their breeding whippet into them. :yes:

Is it a jacker or lack of experience around different obstacles ?

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Unfit; injured and not entered properly are the most common reasons for a dog pulling up ...   A dog I seen a few years back it wouldn't run a hare but would run a rabbit, it wasn't till he got it t

an over used word is jacker, normally to cover the inadequacies of the owner or to justify the need to get rid so as to make room for the next wonder cross. ive a dog here that will run himself to dea

dogs only as good as the man that slips it

jacker come in diffrent forms and i had a few of them 1game gets up and he trots after it ,next run would put it all in.2 would run then just pull up and say ive had enough 3 the ones who can jump wire after u get through gates but refuse to follow the quarry through it.take your pic. r

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Every owner should understand and know the capabilities of thier dogs, obviously some dogs dont have heart for the job but some that are labeled jackers are put to the slip out of condition and in general poor condition then when asked to dig deep they come up wanting this is down to the wasters who cant manage thier dogs or get the best out of them

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Do you belive every dog that fails due physical or mental issuse is blameless and the owner would be at fault ???


I Think thats pish myself, whats your rational ~ theroy behind, "as in the people who refer to there dogs as jackers passing on your own bad management and inadequacies is just that joke!!! "


If a dog is usless, you cant fluff that up anyother way.


If its injured thats a different story or been push beyond reasonable limits, entered in correctly and over matched. Then I belive the handler would be at fault.







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we can talk for a year about this subgect JACKERS some good points made


i dont fault a dog for not geting true gates mabe gate bars are very close

wire mabe double //double hedge give a dog fare play


what i would say is a jacker a dog or bitch that runs 1 to 2 mins in big open [ie fen] land and pull s for no reasons

but we could give it second chance agan may have pulled a mussel etc BUT if he does it agan on big fen well thats him looking good home

ive seen red featherd saluki cross bitch run a hare for the best part of 6 min 5 yards behind hare never made one strike just run and run and run and bitch collapse

how would one call that ???????????????????????

Edited by jeff20
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we can talk for a year about this subgect JACKERS some good points made


i dont fault a dog for not geting true gates mabe gate bars are very close

wire mabe double //double hedge give a dog fare play


what i would say is a jacker a dog or bitch that runs 1 to 2 mins in big open [ie fen] land and pull s for no reasons

but we could give it second chance agan may have pulled a mussel etc BUT if he does it agan on big fen well thats him looking good home

ive seen red featherd bitch run a hare for the best part of 6 min 5 yards behind hare never made one strike just run and run and run and bitch collapse

how would on call that ???????????????????????

a collie cross :whistling:
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an over used word is jacker, normally to cover the inadequacies of the owner or to justify the need to get rid so as to make room for the next wonder cross. ive a dog here that will run himself to death before he will pull up or give in, does that make him a jacker :hmm: ive got an old dog aged 10 who`s lost all his pace, does that make him a jacker :hmm: ive a young dog here, who, when aged 12months couldnt catch a poatage stamp in a postbox, did that make him a jacker :hmm: preban ive seen dogs that didnt like the sharp end but were mustard on hares, did that make them jackers :hmm: i ve also preban seen dogs that excelled on teeth and hoof but couldnt hold a feather to a good winter hare, did that make them jackers :hmm: as i said a word thats very over used :thumbs:

no if a dog is up working his quarry,and for what ever reason pulls off,now be it lack of heart or wind,,,,thats a jacker youll give it a chance adog can pull a musel,but do it a second time his gone
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she was not mine i just seen her run when irish lad came over


i think she was 2 x //// wasent inexperience of being trained she was well coursed


it was inexperience of how to pace her self on fen after that run she was put back in van

i would not call it jacking ??? or cy

she wasent able to stand up

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