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jackers !!!!!!!!!!!!

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right first of all don't want to see this blow up just was reading a thread on here and jackers came into it sorry for being abit green i work bullx not really a big hare courseing man but

when is a hare dog a jacker

when he stop up after run for 3 minutes or 20 minutes

fail to catch any hare

fail to even run a hare

about here the dog could just lose a hare out of sight after a turn gone to cover or over a wall and the dog just loses it is that a jacker that it pulles up and comes back,

in the fens miles of open land not going to lose it there to handy when is it call a jacker there again stop up from i just can't run anymore today or is it f**k that i never catch that ,

it easyer to call it with a lurcher on a fox he could run it an not hit it got the sharp end and said f**k that or just won't run it ,

it hard to call it on a hare dog i think they can' t run forever

love to hear your views on this as there some know it all on here surely ye can give me a answer and i like to see different view on what you think is a hare dog jacker if there is such a thing

again this no a thread to mock or take down an other man dogs

just your view on it

thanks sounder

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Unfit; injured and not entered properly are the most common reasons for a dog pulling up ...   A dog I seen a few years back it wouldn't run a hare but would run a rabbit, it wasn't till he got it t

an over used word is jacker, normally to cover the inadequacies of the owner or to justify the need to get rid so as to make room for the next wonder cross. ive a dog here that will run himself to dea

dogs only as good as the man that slips it

an over used word is jacker, normally to cover the inadequacies of the owner or to justify the need to get rid so as to make room for the next wonder cross. ive a dog here that will run himself to death before he will pull up or give in, does that make him a jacker :hmm: ive got an old dog aged 10 who`s lost all his pace, does that make him a jacker :hmm: ive a young dog here, who, when aged 12months couldnt catch a poatage stamp in a postbox, did that make him a jacker :hmm: preban ive seen dogs that didnt like the sharp end but were mustard on hares, did that make them jackers :hmm: i ve also preban seen dogs that excelled on teeth and hoof but couldnt hold a feather to a good winter hare, did that make them jackers :hmm: as i said a word thats very over used :thumbs:

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an over used word is jacker, normally to cover the inadequacies of the owner or to justify the need to get rid so as to make room for the next wonder cross. ive a dog here that will run himself to death before he will pull up or give in, does that make him a jacker :hmm: ive got an old dog aged 10 who`s lost all his pace, does that make him a jacker :hmm: ive a young dog here, who, when aged 12months couldnt catch a poatage stamp in a postbox, did that make him a jacker :hmm: preban ive seen dogs that didnt like the sharp end but were mustard on hares, did that make them jackers :hmm: i ve also preban seen dogs that excelled on teeth and hoof but couldnt hold a feather to a good winter hare, did that make them jackers :hmm: as i said a word thats very over used :thumbs:

you not done much dog work ,marra .only on the laptop
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an over used word is jacker, normally to cover the inadequacies of the owner or to justify the need to get rid so as to make room for the next wonder cross. ive a dog here that will run himself to death before he will pull up or give in, does that make him a jacker :hmm: ive got an old dog aged 10 who`s lost all his pace, does that make him a jacker :hmm: ive a young dog here, who, when aged 12months couldnt catch a poatage stamp in a postbox, did that make him a jacker :hmm: preban ive seen dogs that didnt like the sharp end but were mustard on hares, did that make them jackers :hmm: i ve also preban seen dogs that excelled on teeth and hoof but couldnt hold a feather to a good winter hare, did that make them jackers :hmm: as i said a word thats very over used :thumbs:

you not done much dog work ,marra .only on the laptop

:laugh: computors were the size of houses and only owned by nasa when i started with dogs :laugh: :laugh:
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Unfit; injured and not entered properly are the most common reasons for a dog pulling up ...


A dog I seen a few years back it wouldn't run a hare but would run a rabbit, it wasn't till he got it to the bone man and realised its back was out in 3 places the following season the same bitch killed lots of hares so I would hesitate to call any dog a jacker.


And if a dog runs till it can't run anymore would I label that a jacker ? No

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this word Jackers is commonly used on the Hunting life, why????? first they have bred of rubbish, next the introduction of Lamping dogs,, running and catching at night on bunnies, and others is fine,, but when you come to daylight, totally different ball game, the playing field has become a little more equal, and the Hare, he is a champion athlete, he can put a lot of dogs to shame, hence the word Jacker, same with Roe, they dont bounce of fences so much in Daylight, they can run and jump,, a different dog for daylight, Pace, stamina, and the deadly strike,,, ((( thats all that is required, oh and HEART,

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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

I think there is more dog owner who are jackers in life than dogs if they got a spade on the back of the head like so many do to there so called jackers .


The running dog world would be a better place with better dogs I think the percentage of good running dog owners who cares for there dogs well being and willing to put time and effort into training correctly is getting less and less.



As Paulus say Jacker on THL is vastly over used


ATB Cookie

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Its because some half wit. running dog into ground day in day out, then it give up.. because it was ran to feck.

if dog pulls because it hurt or over ran,, then its owner fault ..i know i can tell when to rest my dog and when to run

oh and the most important thing ..when to start it on a hare.. and its not 11month :laugh: :laugh:

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A jacker is a dog fully fit runs 10 metres and stops dead.Only the owner knows what his dog can and cant do.If the owner says his dog can run hare for 6,7 mins but pulls up after 4 is it a jacker??????

There is nothing worse then putting all your time into a dog or pup and it pulls up would not wish it on anyone.Yes dogs can have injury's and pull up.People must know that the lucher is an athlete that can get muscle injury's very easy and is hard to pick up by the human eye only.Thats why most men get there dogs check over every so often.Jacking is often used to quickly and really only the owner will know if the dog jacked(if true to himself and dog) when it comes to running there prey what every it is.

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A jacker is a dog fully fit runs 10 metres and stops dead.Only the owner knows what his dog can and cant do.If the owner says his dog can run hare for 6,7 mins but pulls up after 4 is it a jacker??????

There is nothing worse then putting all your time into a dog or pup and it pulls up would not wish it on anyone.Yes dogs can have injury's and pull up.People must know that the lucher is an athlete that can get muscle injury's very easy and is hard to pick up by the human eye only.Thats why most men get there dogs check over every so often.Jacking is often used to quickly and really only the owner will know if the dog jacked(if true to himself and dog) when it comes to running there prey what every it is.

and bones can be out of place, and you'd never no by eye

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i think a lot of it is down to the owner and the way its entered from day 1, if a dog runs ontill he is out of wind then he pulls up thats not a jacker in my opinion all dogs have a limit sum can run for 2 min sum for 4 min ect, i would consider a jacker a dog that runs half harted when the hare is in a bad place and when its in open ground he runs great that to me is a jacker a dog should give a 100 per cent when on a hare weather he can run for 2 minutes or 5 minutes :thumbs:

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Guest born to run1083

My opinion is as above has said it's the owners 9 times out of ten. Any half decent dog man should no the capabilities of his own mutts and how far they can be pushed every dog has limitations its our job to know where they are.

Whos the biggest prick a dog that jacks, or an owner putting a dog in a situation they no it can't handle????

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