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So how does this one work??

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Your limited when you get a fac say first grant for using rifles but where do you stand with say a fac shotgun? Can you use it where you like so long as you have landowners permission( no different to any other shotgun apart from a higher shot capacity) its one i will be asking soon to my firearms officer on the visit, what do you think and have any of you come across this one?

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I was told that unless you have an open ticket an FAC shotgun can only be used on the land you have on your ticket.


You could always ask for the Shotgun to be on an open ticket with the rest closed but you will need a good reason.




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All down to the conditions on the FAC.


Jonno, you don't "have land on your ticket". You might have a condition limiting you to shooting over land which the chief of police for the area has approved, but I've never seen an FAC that limits the shooter to one particular piece of land.


If the conditions on your FAC relating to the shotgun include the "approved by the chief officer of police" line then you can only use it on checked ground. If it doesn't then you can use it anywhere. How they condition it is entirely down to the relevant licencing authority, so it is probably best asking them how they would condition it.

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